Donald Trump Offers To Personally Help Wounded Vet in Iowa (Video)

This happened a few days ago, but I think most people don't know about it.

Is Hillary smart enough to be President?

Cognitive decline?

Friday, October 30, 2015

Hillary Clinton's classified emails now over 600

Saying they weren't classified at the time is a ruse. Hillary Clinton was one of the administration officials who were authorized to classify materials and she was trained on what should be classified every year. 

Via Politico: 
Hundreds more emails from Hillary Clinton's time as secretary of state were newly deemed classified as part of Friday's State Department release of more than 7,000 pages of her messages, which revealed more about Clinton's knowledge of embassy security issues and lighter moments like Clinton's use of emojis.
Friday's document release is the sixth of its kind and with it, more than half of the messages turned over to the agency have now been made publicly available. The 268 emails now deemed classified in this batch are at the lowest classification tier, according to State Department spokesman John Kirby, who said that none of these emails "were marked classified at the time they were sent or received." There are now between 600 and 700 emails newly marked as classified since the releases began in May.

Obama tries to block his email exchanges with Hillary Clinton...

Oh, Hell no.
WASHINGTON — The White House will try to block the release of a handful of emails between President Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, citing longstanding precedent invoked by presidents of both parties to keep presidential communications confidential, officials said Friday.
The State Department discovered the emails between Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton as part of its effort to release the former secretary’s emails, several thousand more of which were scheduled to be made public on Friday. Mr. Obama’s correspondence was forwarded for review to the White House, which has decided against release.

Liberal Heartache: Halloween pumpkins contribute to climate change

Median income is down, millions are dropping out of the workforce and joining the food stamp rolls. We are $18 trillion in debt. ISIS is trying to take over the Middle East and we should be worried about pumpkins causing climate change? When did out government get so stupid?

Via Free Beacon:
The Department of Energy claims that Halloween pumpkins contribute to climate change, suggesting that the plants can be converted to biofuel in order to spare the environment.
“With the passing of Halloween, millions of pounds of pumpkins have turned from seasonal decorations to trash destined for landfills, adding to more than 254 million tons of municipal solid waste (MSW) produced in the United States every year,” a post to the Energy Department’s website this week read.
“At landfills, MSW decomposes and eventually turns into methane–a harmful greenhouse gas that plays a part in climate change, with more than 20 times the warming effect of carbon dioxide (CO2),” the government agency warned.
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Thursday, October 29, 2015

Detroit Schools: Little Johnny can't read or do math...

This is what years of control by liberals do to a school system...
( – In the Detroit public school district, 96 percent of eighth graders are not proficient in mathematics and 93 percent are not proficient in reading.
That is according to the results of the 2015 National Assessment of Educational Progress tests published by the Department of Education’s National Center for Educational Statistics.
Only 4 percent of Detroit public school eighth graders are proficient or better in math and only 7 percent in reading. This is despite the fact that in the 2011-2012 school year—the latest for which the Department of Education has reported the financial data—the Detroit public schools had “total expenditures” of $18,361 per student and “current expenditures” of $13,330 per student.
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Ted Cruz rips CNBC debate moderators a new one...

This completely changed the debate. The candidates actually seemed to have some camaraderie after Cruz calls the moderators out for thier bias.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

"The Onion" on Hillary: I am fun

That's what Huma said...

Via The Onion:
I am fun.
I enjoy fun. I both have fun and can be fun. Fun is a word that accurately describes me and a large quantity of things of which I am fond. I appreciate fun when I encounter it, and I have even been known to partake in activities that produce fun for myself and others. Fun is something I often have when amongst a group of people. In such situations, I am capable of amusing others and, in turn, of being amused by them.
Thus, I am a fun person.
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Paul Ryan promises to not push immigration reform while Obama occupies the White House...

NRO – Paul Ryan has signed off on a letter promising restless members of the House Freedom Caucus (HFC) that he won’t bring immigration-reform legislation to the House floor while President Obama remains in office.
The letter, obtained exclusively by National Review, formalizes pledges that Ryan made last week in a closed-door meeting with select members of the HFC who were skeptical of his promise to maintain an “open” and “inclusive” relationship with the caucus. Specifically, it extracts Ryan’s word that he will not bring up comprehensive immigration reform “so long as Barack Obama is president” and, as speaker, Ryan will not allow any immigration bill to reach the floor for a vote unless a “majority” of GOP members support it.
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Al Gore: Global warming is making people dumber...

I thought it was microwaves being beamed at us by Obama...

Via Daily Caller:
First, United Nations officials label bacon and deli meats as carcinogens, and now scientists are claiming that higher concentrations of carbon dioxide are not only heating the planet, they’re making people dumber.
A new study by the Harvard School of Public Health claims “carbon dioxide (CO2) has a direct and negative impact on human cognition and decision-making,” according to ThinkProgress, a left-wing advocacy website.
Former Vice President Al Gore wasted no time tweeting out ThinkProgress’ in-depth article, trying to link higher carbon dioxide levels to lower cognition in humans.
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Tuesday, October 27, 2015

House Oversight Committee begins proceedings to impeach IRS Commissioner John Koskinen

Go get him. 
WASHINGTON—Today, House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) and 18 members of the Committee introduced a resolution to begin proceedings in the U.S. House of Representatives to impeach Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Commissioner John Koskinen.
In introducing the resolution, Chairman Chaffetz said, “Commissioner Koskinen violated the public trust. He failed to comply with a congressionally issued subpoena, documents were destroyed on his watch, and the public was consistently misled. Impeachment is the appropriate tool to restore public confidence in the IRS and to protect the institutional interests of Congress. This action will demonstrate to the American people that the IRS is under repair, and signal that Executive Branch officials who violate the public trust will be held accountable.”
Specifically, Commissioner Koskinen violated the public trust in the following ways:
  • Failed to comply with a subpoena resulting in destruction of key evidenceCommissioner Koskinen failed to locate and preserve IRS records in accordance with a congressional subpoena and an internal preservation order.  The IRS erased 422 backup tapes containing as many as 24,000 of Lois Lerner’s emails – key pieces of evidence that were destroyed on Koskinen’s watch. 
  • Failed to testify truthfully and provided false and misleading information.  Commissioner Koskinen testified the IRS turned over all emails relevant to the congressional investigation, including all of Ms. Lerner’s emails.  When the agency determined Ms. Lerner’s emails were missing, Commissioner Koskinen testified the emails were unrecoverable.  These statements were false.
  • Failed to notify Congress that key evidence was missing.  The IRS knew Lois Lerner’s emails were missing in February 2014.  In fact, they were not missing; the IRS destroyed the emails on March 4, 2014.  The IRS did not notify Congress the emails were missing until June 2014 – four months later, and well after the White House and the Treasury Department were notified.  

Donald Trump is right about stopping ISIS. Cut off their oil sales...

ISIS is making $50 million a month selling stolen oil...

Via WaTi:
The Islamic State terrorist group is raking in up to $50 million a month from the sales of crude from oilfields under its control in Iraq and Syria, according to Iraqi intelligence and U.S. officials.
The militant group’s oil boom, highlighted by the Associated Press on Friday, demonstrates a well-run terrorist industry that U.S. diplomacy and airstrikes have so far failed to shut down.
The oil sales are the extremists’ largest single source of continual income and are a key reason the group has been able to maintain their control over their self-declared “caliphate” over Iraq and Syria.
Islamic State militants sell crude to smugglers at prices that vary between $10 and $35 per barrel, Iraqi intelligence officials told the Associated Press. The international price of oil is about $50 per barrel.
The smugglers then sell the oil to middlemen in Turkey, or, according to one Iraqi official, to individuals in Kurdish areas of Iraq, as well. A Kurdish politician denied the claim.
The extremists were believed to have extracted about 30,000 barrels a day in Syria, and about 10,000 to 20,000 barrels per day in Iraq, according to AP.

Judge dismisses entire jury...because they were white.

Is this what America has come to?
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WDRB) – Unhappy with the number of potential black jurors called to his court last week, Jefferson Circuit Court Judge Olu Stevens halted a drug trial and dismissed the entire jury panel, asking for a new group to be sent up.
“The concern is that the panel is not representative of the community,” said Stevens, who brought in a new group of jurors despite objections from both the defense and prosecutor.
And this wasn’t the first time Stevens, who is black, has dismissed a jury because he felt it was lacking enough minorities. Now the state Supreme Court is going to determine whether the judge is abusing his power.
On Nov. 18, after a 13-member jury chosen for a theft trial ended up with no black jurors, Stevens found it “troublesome” and dismissed the panel at the request of a defense attorney.
“There is not a single African-American on this jury and (the defendant) is an African-American man,” Stevens said, according to a video of the trial. “I cannot in good conscious go forward with this jury.” Read it all...

Monday, October 26, 2015

7 in 10 Republican voters think Trump can win in 2016...

WASHINGTON — Republican voters view Donald Trump as their strongest general election candidate, according to an Associated Press-GfK poll that highlights the sharp contrast between the party's voters and its top professionals regarding the billionaire businessman's ultimate political strength.
Seven in 10 Republican and Republican-leaning registered voters say Trump could win in November 2016 if he is nominated, and that's the most who say so of any candidate. By comparison, 6 in 10 say the same for retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, who, like Trump, has tapped into the powerful wave of anti-establishment anger defining the early phases of the 2016 contest.

You would think 'big money' would be supporting Trump, but it's Clinton...

Fat cats for Hillary...

Via The NY Post:
Fire-breathing scourge of Wall Street on the campaign trail — and reliable friend of Wall Street in the boardroom. That’s Hillary Clinton — and the big-money crowd thinks it’s in on the game.
For all her populist rhetoric against hedge-funders and the like, Clinton has received more donations from CEOs than any candidate in the GOP — you know, the party of the greedy rich.
More than 760 of Clinton’s presidential donors have listed their occupation as CEO or some variation, according to a Big Crunch analysis of federal election forms.
That’s as many as have given to Republican hopefuls Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz combined.
And it doesn’t even include people like hedge-fund CEO Robert Mercer, who prefers to list himself as a “financial consultant” — or those who’ve given instead to pro-Hillary super-PACs. (Or all the folks who’ve bought goodwill over the years by giving to the Clinton Foundation.)

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Father of Benghazi Victim: Hillary is a liar...

Most of the mainstream media is avoiding the families of the victims like the plague.

Via Washington Times:
The father of Tyrone S. Woods, a CIA contractor killed during the Benghazi attack, on Friday accused former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton of lying to him and the American people about the circumstances that led to his son’s death.
Charles Woods said new evidence presented at a House hearing Thursday showing Mrs. Clinton knew within hours that the attack on Sept. 11, 2012 was a planned and carried out by al-Qaida linked terrorists proved she lied to the victims’ families when she falsely blamed the incident on a spontaneous protest over a U.S.-made anti-Islam video a few days later.
In an interview with The Washington Times radio show, The Capitol Hill Show with Tim Constantine, Mr. Woods recalled how Mrs. Clinton greeted and consoled him at Andrew Air Force base as the body of his son was returned from Libya.
“I gave Hillary a hug and shook her hand. And she said ‘we are going to have the filmmaker arrested who is responsible for the death of your son,’” Mr. Woods said.
“Based on her demeanor and body language I knew she wasn’t telling me the truth,” he added.
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GAO Test: 10 of 10 test Obamacare applicants were successful with counterfeit documentation...

The potential fraud could be billions.

Via ATR:
As part of its review, GAO tested application and enrollment controls on the federal exchange and two state exchanges (California and Kentucky). Ten fictitious applicants were created to test whether verification steps including validating an applicant’s Social Security number, verifying citizenship, and verifying household income were completed properly.
In order to test these controls, GAO’s test applications provided fraudulent documentation:
“For each of the 10 undercover applications where we obtained qualified health-plan coverage, the respective marketplace directed that our applicants submit supplementary documentation… we provided counterfeit follow-up documentation, such as fictitious Social Security cards with impossible Social Security numbers, for all 10 undercover applications.”
As the report notes, all ten applications remained enrolled on Obamacare even though fraudulent or insufficient documentation was provided:
“For all 10 of these undercover applications, we maintained subsidized coverage beyond the period during which applicants may file supporting documentation to resolve inconsistencies.”

Friday, October 23, 2015

Seven of ten 2012 Obama voters would not vote for him again...

This includes a majority of Democrats. Obama will be remembered as a failure. 
According to the Economist/ poll, over seven in 10 Obama voters, and 55 percent of Democrats, regret voting for Obama’s 2012 reelection.
The poll asked those who voted for Obama’s reelection the question: “Do you regret voting for Barack Obama?”
Given a chance to do it all over again, only 29 percent of those who voted for Obama would vote for him again and 71 percent of his voters, now inclined to vote for somebody else, “regret” their vote to reelect him, according to a new poll.

Is Hillary sick?

Clinton Coughing Fit at Benghazi Hearing 

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Bernie Sanders tweets about the joy of "Democratic Socialism"

Democrats used to deny they were Socialists. Now, they are proud of it. 

Jim Jordan traps Hillary Clinton on blaming video for Benghazi attack when she knew it was planned (Video)

Hillary emailed Chelsea the night i=of the attack and blamed it on a terrorist attack, not a reaction to a video. The next day, she explicitly told the Egyptian Prime Minister it wasn't caused by a video. Liar, Liar pants on fire.

Betrayal: Two-thirds of House Freedom Caucus to support Rep. Paul Ryan for Speaker...

Reportedly, Ryan promised to not violate the Hastart rule. This informal rule prohibits moving legislation that does not have the support of a majority of Republicans. In the last couple of years, Boehner violated the rule several times and joined with Democrats to pass legislation most republicans voted against.

Via National Journal:
At a private Wed­nes­day even­ing meet­ing, about two-thirds of the the con­ser­vat­ive House Free­dom Caucus voted to sup­port Ry­an for speak­er. But the con­fer­ence fell short of the 80 per­cent vote ne­ces­sary to of­fi­cially en­dorse him. Ry­an has said he will not run un­less all of the con­fer­ence’s most in­flu­en­tial caucuses en­dorse him.
“While no con­sensus ex­ists among mem­bers of the House Free­dom Caucus re­gard­ing Chair­man Ry­an’s pre­con­di­tions for serving, we be­lieve that these is­sues can be re­solved with­in our Con­fer­ence in due time,” read a state­ment re­leased by the group Wed­nes­day even­ing. “We all know that Wash­ing­ton needs to change the way it does busi­ness, and we look for­ward to work­ing with Paul and all our col­leagues to en­act pro­cess re­forms that em­power in­di­vidu­al rep­res­ent­at­ives and re­store re­spect to our in­sti­tu­tion.”
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Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Hillary preparation: Democrats leak full Cheryl Mills testimony...

It wouldn't do for Hillary's testimony to contradict something Cheryl Mills said.

Via Daily Caller:
A day before former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will testify in front of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, Democrats on the panel released a full transcript of an interview conducted Sept. 3 with Clinton’s chief of staff, Cheryl Mills.
Democrats already released excerpts of the Mills interview earlier this month. Maryland Rep. Elijah Cummings, the committee’s ranking Democrat, also said then that he planned to release the 307-page transcript. Democrats defended the move, which they say is intended to “correct the public record after numerous out-of-context and misleading Republican leaks.”
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New emails: Obama admin considered blaming Benghazi on a different YouTube video before settling on “Innocence of Muslims"

Wow. This looks really bad. No wonder they have been stonewalling.

Via Breitbart:
Newly released documents show that the Obama administration was eager to blame the Benghazi attack on a different Youtube video before it eventually settled on the “Innocence of Muslims video.”
A redacted email sent to the Diplomatic Security Command Center, obtained Tuesday by the group Judicial Watch, reveals that the White House’s priority at 9:11 PM on the night of the attack was to contact Youtube about a “Pastor Jon” video.
“DOD is looking at various resources,” the email reads, followed by redacted information.
“S [then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton] expected to make statements one of which may confirm KIA, notification of next of kin is pending confirmation. DCM The Hague was to call OPS when completed. White House is reaching out to U-Tube to advise ramifications of posting of the Pastor Jon video,” the email continued.
The “Pastor Jon” video may be a video called God vs. Allah, which was produced by American pastor Jon Courson.
The State Department Bureau of Diplomatic Security’s September 12 “Attack Timeline” makes no mention of a Youtube video, and Hillary Clinton received intelligence on September 12 linking the Ansar Al Sharia terrorist group to the attack.
Nevertheless, the administration still went ahead and blamed a different Youtube video, “Innocence of Muslims,” for inciting spontaneous violence that led to the deaths of four Americans.

Change: More Democrats now favor Socialism than Capitalism

Well, Obama said he would transform America. What he actually transformed was the Democratic Party. 

Jim Webb exits Democratic Presidential Primary; may leave the Democratic Party...

Well, Webb is closer on foreign policy to Republicans than he is to Democrats. Hopefully, moderate Democrats, if any are left, will exit the Democratic Party with Webb. The Democratic Party is now the party of left-wing extremists.

Via WaPo:
Former Virginia senator Jim Webb announced Tuesday afternoon that he would no longer pursue the Democratic presidential nomination, saying that he will instead gauge support in the coming weeks for a possible White House bid as an independent candidate.
"More people in this country call themselves political independents than Republicans or Democrats. I happen to agree with them," Webb told reporters at a news conference at the National Press Club in Washington.
"I am withdrawing from any consideration of being the Democratic Party's nominee for the presidency," he said. “This does not reduce in any way my concerns for the challenges facing the country … or my intentions to remain fully engaged in the debates that are facing us."
During a question-and-answer session with reporters following Tuesday's announcement, Webb said he has yet to decide if he will remain a registered Democrat.

Senate Demos vote down bill cracking down on sanctuary cities...

Pandering for votes means more to democrats than saving Americans lives. This is a sad day for the Democratic Party and America as a whole. 

Via Fox News:
Senate Democrats on Tuesday blocked a Republican-backed bill that would crack down on so-called sanctuary cities by threatening to withhold funds to local governments that don’t cooperate with federal immigration officials.
The bill failed on a 54-45 vote. It needed 60 to advance.
The Stop Sanctuary Cities Act became a lightning rod issue ahead of the vote, as GOP sponsors tried to peel off just a few Democrats to support it while Democratic leaders blasted the legislation as counterproductive. The White House issued a formal veto threat Tuesday morning, while the chamber’s top Democrat tried to discredit the measure by calling it “The Donald Trump Act.”
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G. W.Bush dislikes Ted Cruz more than Donald Trump?

Strange enemies...

Via Politico
Inside a sleek Denver condominium, George W. Bush let a hundred donors to his brother’s campaign in on a secret. Of all the rival Republican candidates, there is one who gets under the former president’s skin, who he views as perhaps Jeb Bush’s most serious rival for the party’s nomination.
It isn’t Donald Trump, whose withering insults have sought to make Jeb pay a political price for his brother’s presidency. It also isn’t Marco Rubio, Jeb’s former understudy who now poses a serious threat to his establishment support.
It’s George W. Bush’s former employee — Ted Cruz.
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"Clock Boy" shakes hands with a war criminal...

Amusing: Obama doesn't seem real interested in meeting with Muslim "Clock Boy" anymore...

The optics have changed.

Via Breitbart: 
It appears that President Obama may not meet personally with Texas student Ahmed Mohamed at tonight’s Astronomy Night at the White House, according to White House aides.
“I don’t believe that the president will have the opportunity to meet with meet one-on-one with Ahmed Mohamed,” Earnest confirmed during the White House press breifing. He explained to reporters that there would be “several hundred” students and teachers and scientists attending the event.
Mohamed still plans to join the group of children who attend the evening event, but he might not end up with a photograph with the president. Obama is expected to deliver remarks at the event, but will not likely remain for the duration of the event.

Bernie Sanders wants to raise the payroll tax on everyone to pay for his paid family and medical leave.

Democrats, please nominate this guy. 

Sunday on ABC’s “This Week,” Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT)said his tax increases would “hit everybody” because he would raise the payroll tax to pay for paid family and medical leave.
Sanders said, “I think if you are looking about guaranteeing paid family and medical leave, which every other major country has so that when a mom gives birth she doesn’t have to go back to work in two weeks. Dad or mom can stay home with the kids. That will require a small increase in the payroll tax.”

MSNBC admits graphic showing Israel stole Palestine is wrong...

There never was a Palestine. Actually, most of the land depicted as Palestine was mostly inhabited by anyone.

Via FreeBeacon:
MSNBC has admitted that highly controversial graphics aired on the network that depicted Israel as stealing land from the Palestinians were factually wrong and that the broadcast would be corrected on Monday, according to a network spokesperson.
The cable news network has been fighting off criticism after it aired the graphics and analysis, including a map linked to conspiracy groups branded as anti-Semitic, that portrayed Israel as existing on territory expropriated from Palestine.
The graphics garnered criticism from pro-Israel advocates and has now prompted the network to acknowledge that the graphics were highly misleading.
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Finally: Trump and Carson get Secret Service protection...

If they had been Democrats, they would have had protection months ago. 

Via Newsmax:
The Secret Service will give agent protection to Ben Carson and Donald Trump while heavily upgrading Hillary Clinton’s existing detail, a Washington source close to the agency’s plans confirmed to Newsmax.
The deployment of agents around Republican candidates Trump and Carson is set to begin as early as next week. Approximately two dozen agents will be assigned to each candidate.
Clinton, the Democratic front-runner, has had Secret Service protection since leaving the White House as first lady in 2001, but her detail will be heavily upgraded by the agency’s move.
The agency’s decision was primarily triggered by a significant number of threats to Carson, including death threats and terrorist chatter, the source said.
The threats to the retired pediatric neurosurgeon have been “off the charts,” the source said. Polls show Carson either tied with Trump for front-runner status or in second place.
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Saturday, October 17, 2015

Sen. Grassley demands to see surveys showing inmates didn't like pork. Pork immediately put back on the menu...

 Bacon-Wrapped Pork Loin.  Photo: Diana Rattray

It's hard to believe most non-Muslims  don't like pork. 

WASHINGTON — After a week of controversy surrounding its abrupt removal of pork dishes from the national menu for federal inmates, the government did an about-face this week and put pork roast back on the prison bill of fare.
The Bureau of Prisons disclosed the decision to The Washington Post hours after a Republican Senate leader expressed dismay at what he implied was a wasteful survey of inmates’ food preferences and a lack of transparency in the decision.
“The pork industry is responsible for 547,800 jobs, which creates $22.3 billion in personal incomes and contributes $39 billion to the gross domestic product,” Sen. Charles E. Grassley, R-Iowa, wrote in a letter Thursday to Bureau of Prisons Director Charles E. Samuels, Jr.[snip]
To corroborate the validity of the claim that prisoners indicated a lack of interest in pork products, I am requesting copies of the prisoner surveys and responses that were used to support the determination to no longer serve pork in federal prisons. Additionally, the spokesman indicated that pork had been the lowest rated food, ‘for several years.’ ...

Meet a real hero (75 year-old man took on a teen with a knife to save some kids)

A 75 year-old man took on a teen with a knife to save some kids...

Via Fox News:

A former Army vet is recovering from stab wounds after putting himself between 16 terrified children and a knife-wielding teen determined to kill at an Illinois public library this week.
“He actually ran into the room yelling, ‘I’m going to kill some people!’” James Vernon told the Pekin Daily Times Thursday.
Vernon, 75– a retired Caterpillar technology worker and Army vet—is recovering from surgery at his home in Morton, Illinois. He was leading a chess club meeting with local kids at the Morton library Tuesday afternoon when Dustin Brown, 19, burst into the room holding a knife in each hand and threatening the children.
“I failed my mission to kill everyone,” Brown told police Thursday, according to a prosecutor’s court affidavit that accompanied formal charges, including attempted murder.
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Friday, October 16, 2015

Friday Fun Post: Hillary Could Spend 10 Years In Prison For Email Mishandling…

Well, we can dream; can't we?

Via Daily Mail:
Hillary Clinton could be prosecuted in federal court for failing to tell President Barack Obama about her private email server at the time she was running it, according to a veteran FBI agent.
Obama said flatly during a ’60 Minutes’ interview on Sunday that ‘No,’ he did not know Clinton sidestepped security protocols with her a home-brew email setup while she was his secretary of state.
The FBI agent who spoke with has had a 20-year career in federal law enforcement and serves in a supervisory capacity in a domestic FBI field office.
He said on Friday that failing to put Obama in the loop could be enough to send her to prison for ten years.
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Biden is still looking at running...

Go on. Just do it Joe. we need the comic relief. 

Via CNN:
Vice President Joe Biden has personally made a series of calls this week to Democratic strategists from Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina, asking a final round of detailed questions about how — not whether — to launch a 2016 presidential campaign.
People familiar with the conversations tell CNN that Biden has been making the calls throughout the week, including on Wednesday, just as many leading Democrats argued the window to a potential candidacy was closing in the wake of Hillary Clinton’s strong performance in the party’s first presidential debate. He is asking these people to work for him if he runs.
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You won't be getting a Social Security cost of living increase next year...

The reason is gas prices are holding down the calculated price measure. That may be a little unfair to seniors. Many of them don't own a car or even drive. The cost of food, especially meat and eggs is up. Also, thanks to Obama's regulations, electricity is continuing it's to rise.

Via WSJ:
Blame soft inflation, including the nearly 30% drop in gas prices over the past year. The official price measure used to calculate the annual living-cost adjustment was down 0.4% from last year’s level in the third quarter, the Labor Department said Thursday.
Congress adopted the formula in the 1970s. While it has resulted in an average benefit increase of 4.1% over the past 40 years, benefits have gone up an average of just 2% over the past 10 years. There were no increases for 2010 and 2011.
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Demo NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo pays state employees to attend his climate change speech...


Via NY Post:
Gov. Andrew Cuomo wasn’t taking any chances that there might be empty seats at a speech he delivered last week on climate change — so state workers were summoned on the taxpayer dime to fill the audience, The Post has learned.
The workers said they left their jobs in the middle of the day Thursday and were paid their full salaries to hear Cuomo at Columbia University announce the state was joining a global effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
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Bernie Sanders supporters claim CNN is deleting their comments...

The Facebook poll results show Bernie Sanders was the winner. Sanders supporters claim CNN is suppressing this information. 
Seeing their comments repeatedly deleted by CNN, Bernie Sanders supporters are hopping mad today.
Already feeling the news network’s coverage had become rabidly pro-Hillary in the aftermath of last night’s debate, Facebook users leaving reactions on CNN’s page are now continually re-posting them, knowing they will be quickly removed. There are hundreds in a seeming battle with the network, with no explanation as to why.
Some users and messages appear to be specifically targeted, especially those accusing CNN of having conflicts of interest that make it naturally inclined to back Hillary.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Surprise! Iran has an underground missile base.


Via AP:
Iranian state television broadcast unprecedented footage Wednesday of a deep underground tunnel packed with missiles and launcher units, which officials said could be used if “enemies make a mistake”.
The pictures were released just three days after Iran tested a new long-range missile that the United States said may have breached a UN Security Council resolution.
The footage also came a day after Iran’s parliament approved the country’s July 14 nuclear deal with six world powers.
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#DemDebate Press room cheers after Bernie Sanders says, “enough of the emails”

No bias here. Move along. There is nothing to see. 

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Anderson Cooper claims he never went back to Clinton Global Initiative after solo 2007 appearance, but it appears he went in 2008

Anderson Cooper claims moderating a panel in 2007 was his only connection to The Clinton Global initiative.

Cooper denied:
ANDERSON COOPER: Nearly ten years ago, in 2007 I was asked to moderate a panel discussion at Clinton Global Initiative. Honestly, I can't even remember what the panel was. There were no Clintons on the panel. I think it was on, like, international development aid or, honestly, I have no memory of what it was.
Cooper added, “I wasn't paid. I've never been back to the Clinton Global Initiative. I've never a member of CGI. I’ve never been to a cocktail party for CGI.”
Here is a short video of his 2007 visit.

Is Cooper telling the truth? This blog post after the 2008 CGI claims Anderson Cooper was there too.

Anderson Cooper of CNN was perhaps the most charming of our special speakers.  We had some time together before the speeches started and Anderson had lots of questions about our program. During his speech, he joked about asking me how the PUR sachets worked and that he couldn’t understand anything that I said, but he nodded his head and pretended that he understood me like any good journalist.  I guess that says something about my communication skills!
He spoke movingly about seeing first-hand the impact of unsafe drinking water in Burundi and how he witnessed a child dying from the dehydration caused by severe diarrhea.   Part of our CSDW commitment this year (Download 2008_csdw_commitment.doc) is an awareness raising effort with CNN, Scholastic, and the Do’it’s show on PBS.

You should read the whole blog post to see this was an event at the 2008 CGI. It claims Anderson Cooper was a special speaker at a Children’s Safe Drinking Water (CSDW) event that is described as "a celebration event at CGI called “Promises Made, Promises Kept.”"

Update: According to the P&G Children's Safe Drinking Water blog post, Bill Clinton spoke at the same CSDW event as Cooper. This doesn't make Cooper's claim he never went back after 2007 very believable.

Iran threatens U.S. ships with suicide bombers...

Negotiating partners...

Via Free Beacon:
A commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) has threatened terror attacks against U.S. warships and vowed that the Islamic Republic would chase U.S. forces into “the Gulf of Mexico” in order to exact revenge for any attacks, according to regional reports.
Alireza Tangsiri, an IRGC lieutenant commander, said that suicide bombers are on stand by and ready to “blow up themselves” to “destroy the U.S. warships,” according to remarks made Monday in Iran’s state-controlled Fars News Agency.
“They [the U.S.] have tested us once and if necessary, there are people who will blow up themselves with ammunitions to destroy the U.S. warships,” Tangsiri was quoted as saying.
He added that if the United States takes any hostile action against Iran, the country’s military forces would pursue the Americans into the Gulf of Mexico.

Poll: 48 percent of Democrats want Joe Biden to run...


Via Reuters:
The drumbeat for Joe Biden to jump into the 2016 presidential race is growing louder.
Almost half of the nation’s Democrats want the vice president to enter the field and challenge front-runner Hillary Clinton, according to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll.
The results come as speculation surrounding Biden’s intentions has intensified, with reports having him close to a decision. The declared Democratic presidential candidates, including Clinton and U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, her closest rival, will take the stage Tuesday night in Las Vegas for the first party debate.
Biden will not be there, but 48 percent of Democrats surveyed in the Reuters poll wish he were a candidate, compared with 30 percent who said he should stay out. Independents were split on the question, with 36 percent saying Biden should stay in and an equal share believing otherwise.
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Donald Trump's African-American support is real...

Donald Trump Pre-Rally Press Conference Norcross Georgia 10/10/15 

Rep. Paul Ryan's Speakership bid is faling apart?

Conservatives don't want an open borders guy...

Via Breitbart:
Several Republicans who aren’t as closely associated with outgoing House Speaker Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) as House Ways and Means Committee chairman Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) are considering running for Speaker as Ryan’s nascent campaign is crumbling before it even begins.

The two who have, at this time, the most likely ability to unite the GOP conference and achieve well more than the necessary 218 votes on the House floor are House Energy and Commerce Committee vice chairwoman Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) and former House Chief Deputy Whip Rep. Peter Roskam (R-IL) . Other Republicans like Reps. Rep. Matt Salmon (R-AZ) 88% , Rep. Ryan Zinke (R-MT) , Rep. Lynn Westmoreland (R-GA) , and even current non-House member former Speaker Newt Gingrich are considering bids. More names than those have been tossed out, too.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Privacy Alert: Verizon to track people with super cookies...

There are so many wireless choices, people should choose someone besides Verizon.
The wireless carrier announced the shift via an update on its website, according to The Verge. Unlike most cookies, which originate from an individual site or group of sites, Verizon’s identifier tracks subscribers as they move around the Internet for the sake of the company’s Relevant Mobile Advertising and Verizon Selects ad programs.
The AOL Advertising Network has a presence on some 40 percent of websites, and affiliated parties could potentially build more detailed profiles of Verizon customers as a result. The carrier bought AOL in May.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Hillary Clinton's Valerie Plame moment...

Lewis "Scooter" Libby was sentenced  to 30 months in federal prison, a fine of $250,000, and two years of supervised release for his actions relating to the outing of material that revealed Valerie Plame was a classified CIA officer.

Via Yahoo:
On March 18, 2011, Sidney Blumenthal — Clinton’s longtime friend and political adviser — sent the then secretary of state an email to her private account that contained apparently highly sensitive information he had received from Tyler Drumheller, a former top CIA official with whom Blumenthal at the time had a business relationship.
“Tyler spoke to a colleague currently at CIA, who told him the agency had been dependent for intelligence from [redacted due to sources and methods],” the email states, according to Gowdy’s letter.
The redacted information was “the name of a human source,” Gowdy wrote to his Democratic counterpart, Rep. Elijah Cummings of Maryland, and was therefore “some of the most protected information in our intelligence community.”
“Armed with that information, Secretary Clinton forwarded the email to a colleague — debunking her claim that she never sent any classified information from her private email address,” wrote Gowdy in a letter to Cummings.

Turkey seems to be blocking Twitter and Facebook after peace rally bombing kills over 80 people...

Another one of Obama's favorite Muslim leaders...

Via BGN News:
Access to social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook have been slowed down to a trickle in the wake of a deadly dual suicide bombing at a peace rally in Ankara that killed at least 86 and injured 186. Regular access is only available via Virtual Private Network (VPN).

No official explanation has been given as to why Twitter or Facebook are inaccessible, however Ankara has in the past resorted to blocking or slowing down access to social media platforms when faced with security crises or unfavorable coverage.

IT expert Füsun Sarp Nebil explains that it was a common tactic for the Telecommunications Directorate (TİB) to restrict access to the sites through internet service providers, slowing down access the same way one may reduce a tap.

“To put it plainly, those in control of the tap are turning it down,” she said, “After all there is nobody who knows, or cares, or is aware of what is going on. This is a matter of ‘Net Neutrality.’ Before there were violations of net neutrality for commercial considerations, but in countries like ours it’s violated for political reasons.”

Nobody really believes Hillary's TPP flip-flop...

If they have two brain cells to rub together, nobody believes anything Hillary says.

Via NY Post:
Hillary Clinton revealed on Wednesday that she opposes the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, providing just the latest evidence that she is little more than political ambition wrapped in a pantsuit.
Pay attention to the press coverage, because it’s fascinating: Nobody takes Clinton at her word. I’m not just referring to her conservative critics.
Slate’s Jim Newell asks, “Will anyone find Clinton’s position convincing?” The question is purely rhetorical.
The article is headlined “Hillary Clinton Comes Out Against TPP, at Least Until the Democratic Convention.”
In “First Read,” a newsletter put out by “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd and his colleagues, the lead item on Thursday was titled “Why Clinton’s Trade Flip-Flop Is So Unbelievable.” They write:
“Yes, Hillary Clinton’s new opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade accord cleans up something she needed to do before next week’s first Democratic debate. And, yes, it puts pressure on Vice President Joe Biden getting into the race (because he’d be on the only major candidate in support of TPP). But make no mistake: This flip-flop isn’t believable at all.”
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Friday, October 9, 2015

Iran nuke deal violates US sanctions law...

Violates the law? When did that ever matter to Barack Obama?

Via Fox News:
Some senior U.S. officials involved in the implementation of the Iran nuclear deal have privately concluded that a key sanctions relief provision – a concession to Iran that will open the doors to tens of billions of dollars in U.S.-backed commerce with the Islamic regime – conflicts with existing federal statutes and cannot be implemented without violating those laws, Fox News has learned.
At issue is a passage tucked away in ancillary paperwork attached to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, or JCPOA, as the Iran nuclear deal is formally known. Specifically, Section 5.1.2 of Annex II provides that in exchange for Iranian compliance with the terms of the deal, the U.S. “shall…license non-U.S. entities that are owned or controlled by a U.S. person to engage in activities with Iran that are consistent with this JCPOA.”
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Hillary Clinton's gender gap...

The mainstream media is always pointing out Republicans gap with Hispanics. Until this year, they were pointing out Republicans gap with women, but that seems to be closing recently.  The don't point out Democrats gap with women. Hillary's gap is especially bad. Men hate her. 
The swing-state polling is a mir­ror im­age of her na­tion­al num­bers. Last week, Quin­nipi­ac found Clin­ton’s neg­at­ive rat­ings with white men at a stun­ning 72 per­cent—sig­ni­fic­antly worse than the Demo­crat­ic Party’s already-ser­i­ous struggles with that demo­graph­ic group. Mean­while, she’s not per­form­ing at nearly a strong-enough level with wo­men to coun­ter­act the prob­lem. Only 49 per­cent of wo­men viewed her fa­vor­ably in the poll, with 47 per­cent hold­ing neg­at­ive views. For all the self-in­flic­ted prob­lems that Re­pub­lic­ans have in reach­ing out to a di­ver­si­fy­ing coun­try, Hil­lary Clin­ton’s fa­vor­ab­il­ity with white men is worse than Jeb Bush’s with His­pan­ics, Ben Car­son’s with Afric­an-Amer­ic­ans, and Carly Fior­ina’s with wo­men in the same sur­vey.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Priceless: Hillary Clinton sends Rand Paul a copy of her book. He writes an inscription and sells it...

Here’s what the inscription says:
Hillary, your refusal to provide security for our mission in Benghazi should forever preclude you from higher office!

Amusing: Harvard debate team beaten by prison inmates...

The inmates were arguing the position that public schools should be allowed to turn away students whose parents came to the U.S. illegally.

Via Fox News:
A group of New York inmates has toppled Harvard’s prestigious debate team.
It took place at the Eastern New York Correctional Facility, a maximum-security prison in Napanoch. The Ivy League undergrads were invited last month to debate the inmates who take in-prison courses taught by Bard College faculty.
Harvard’s team won the national title this year and the world championship in 2014.
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Wednesday, October 7, 2015

#Toyota looks like the official truck of #ISIS...

Did they get a fleet discount?

Obama promises to veto defense bill unless funding to close Gitmo is included...

This is what you get when Republicans have spineless, feckless leaders who won't stand up to Obama. We still have a year and three months of Obama left and all the filters are off. 

On Monday, the Obama administration announced that President Obama would veto a defense authorization bill if it did not close down Guantanamo Bay. White House press secretary Josh Earnest explained that the House funding bill would be vetoed “principally because…of the irresponsible way that it funds our national defense priorities, but also because of the efforts to prevent the closure [of] the prison at Guantanamo Bay.” He added that Democrats would sustain Obama’s veto, and defense authorization would die.
Obama’s strong stand on Gitmo underscores two vital points. First, President Obama does not fear defunding America’s national security. Second, Obama does not fear Republicans in Congress.

Obama isn't even interested in deporting criminal illegal aliens anymore...

I thought the prosecutorial discretion in enforcing immigration law was to allow them to focus on the criminal element. I guess that was another lie. 

Via Free Beacon:
The Obama administration deported a record-low number of criminal immigrants over the last year, according to government figures not publicly released by the Department of Homeland Security.
The Associated Press reported that President Obama has deported fewer immigrants with criminal convictions in the United States over the past 12 months than he has during his entire time in the White House. Moreover, the number of total illegal immigrants deported in the last year was less than at any time since 2006.
The total count of immigrant deportations has sunk 42 percent since 2012. Moreover, deportations declined by 84,000 between the 2014 and 2015 fiscal years.
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Fabulous: Border Patrol must now consider “gender identity” of illegal immigrants and they can't call them illegal immigrants...

The Border Patrol should be about protecting the border, not being politically correct. 

Via Breitbart:
Border Patrol agents and others operating under the umbrella of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) must now consider not only the sex of the criminal they are detaining, but the “gender identity” of the individual and how they feel and identify. The terms “illegal alien” or even “illegal immigrant” do not appear at all in a new 31-page instruction document. The new rules were published by CBP and according to the agency, “includes language on gender identity, which was not previously included in the individual component policies. Specifically, whenever feasible, officers and agents who conduct a search or are present at a medical examination must be of the same gender, gender identity, or declared gender as the individual being searched.”
A few highlights from the October 2015 National Standards on Transport, Escort, Detention, and Search are listed below:
Section 2.6: Ground Transportation and Escort Standards
Gender of Transporting/Escorting Officer/Agent
Whenever operationally feasible, transport/escort must be conducted by two officers/agents with at least one being of the same gender or gender identity as the detainee(s)
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Tuesday, October 6, 2015

How is all that Muslim immigration working out in Sweden?

Not very well...

Via Daily Mail:
It is supposed to be the model multicultural state. But Sweden is facing problems of its own after gangs of immigrants spent a fifth consecutive night rioting in Stockholm.
Officers are battling to keep the capital under control after hundreds of cars were torched, a police station set alight and fire services kept from a major blaze by a stone-throwing mob of youths.
To make matters worse, rioting has now spread to Sweden’s two other major cities, Gothenburg and Malmo.
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The UAW brothers are getting ready to cause trouble for the Big Three.

The UAW has been forced to take deals they really weren't happy with (are they ever?) over the last couple of contracts. Foreign competition and the economy left them in a poor negotiating position. Now, auto production is at record levels and Ford and GM are making good money. The UAW wants a cut.

Via Wall Street Journal:
The United Auto Workers is threatening to strike Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV by Wednesday night, signaling a breakdown in efforts to salvage a labor deal widely rejected by members last week.
The UAW, representing 40,000 Fiat Chrysler employees in the U.S., said it plans to strike if it can’t reach a deal by Wednesday at midnight, at which time a contract extension expires. If the union follows through on its threat, it would represent the first walkout in a contract against a U.S. auto maker since before the Detroit car companies filed for bankruptcy in 2009.
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Wyoming high school cancels 'America Day'

I thought people in Wyoming were smarter than this. Hopefully, they are and the person responsible will be fired. 
What’s the last place in the nation you’d expect a ban on patriotism? Well, a Wyoming high school canceled the school’s homecoming tradition of America Day for fear some kids might feel shut out.
Whaddaya know, seniors and juniors of Jackson Hole High School protested — then went ahead and cloaked themselves in American flags and stars and stripes anyway. Good on ya, kids.
Mike Hansen, the school’s activities director, said he wasn’t opposed to the students being patriotic. But a meeting with the student council had convinced him not all students felt American, and thus felt “targeted and singled out by this day.”
“We’re trying to balance many different things here,” he said. “We’re trying to be inclusive and safe, make everyone feel welcome.”

Facebook giving people in Africa free Internet; Poor US kids are still waiting...

I can't believe so many people are on Facebook. I read their privacy policy and hit the decline button.

Via CNN Money:
The social network is teaming up with the French satellite company Eutelsat (ETCMY) to launch a satellite that will provide internet access to people in sub-Saharan Africa. The satellite will launch next year and service will start in the second half of 2016. It will reach 14 countries in West, East and Southern Africa.
Facebook (FB, Tech30) will use the satellite to bring free Internet access to rural areas. The company is using satellites, lasers and drones to get the “next billion” people around the world online as part of its initiative. It has already connected people in nearly 20 countries.
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Monday, October 5, 2015

CNN altered picture of mixed race Oregon shooter to make him look white?

Color me shocked.
On the left is the selfie Christopher Mercer uploaded to his social media. On the right is how CNN presented the same selfie in broadcast stories about him.  Why did CNN need to change the complexion (color) of their broadcast?  Why is no-one showing pictures of mom, Laurel Margaret Harper.

New Hillary Clinton claim: She is the "most transparent person in American history"

I spit my coffee because when I here Hillary utter this lie. No one ever claimed Hillary didn't have 'chutzpah.'

Hillary on Benghazi Committee: "If I were president...I would have done everything to shut it down.”

No doubt. After all, what difference does it make our Ambassador and three other Americans were killed. That's nothing compared to electing a Democrat in 2016.

Via Buzzfeed:
Her campaign has called the House Select Committee on Benghazi a “taxpayer-funded sham,” a “Republican hit-job,” and an investigation designed to drive down poll numbers and play “electoral politics with a terrorist attack.”
On Monday, at a televised town hall here in New Hampshire, Hillary Clinton said as much and then some: She argued that the committee was set up “for the sole purpose of going after me”; she accused Republicans of exploiting the deaths of the four Americans killed in the Benghazi attacks; and she said that, were she serving as president, she would’ve tried to dismantle such a committee.
“This committee was set up as they have admitted for the purpose of making a partisan, political issue out of the deaths of four Americans,” Clinton said in a live town hall with about 70 voters, hosted by NBC News. “I would’ve never done that. And if I were president, and there were Republicans or Democrats who were thinking about that, I would have done everything to shut it down.”
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Ben Carson demands IRS revoke CAIR's tax exempt status...

CAIR engaged in politics by demanding Ben Carson withdraw. Don't expect much from Obama's politicized IRS. Now, If this were a tea Party group and the demand came from Bernie Sanders...

Via BPR:
Presidential contender Ben Carson‘s conflict with CAIR is getting hotter since Carson’s headline-making interview about a potential Muslim president.
The retired neurosurgeon on Saturday demanded that the IRS crack down on the Council on American-Islamic Relations for violating regulations that restrict the political involvement by groups that claim non-profit status.
The IRS has shown no problem with attacking conservative groups on much flimsier grounds during the Obama era.
It’s largely faded from the headlines, but the IRS targeting of conservative groups is one of the many “phony scandals” that have dogged the Obama administration. In an email on Saturday, Carson demanded that the IRS treat CAIR the way it treated conservative groups — with much less reason.
“The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) held a public press conference demanding that I withdraw from the presidential race,” Carson observed in an email announcing a petition to remove CAIR’s tax-exempt status, according to The Hill.
“Here’s the catch – CAIR is a tax-exempt nonprofit, and the IRS rules explicitly prohibit such groups from intervening in political campaigns on behalf of – or in opposition to – a candidate,” the email continues.
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ISIS terrorists have blown up the Arch of Triumph in Palmyra

DAMASCUS (Reuters) - Islamic State militants have blown up the Arch of Triumph, a major monument in the 2,000-year-old Roman city of Palmyra, Syria's antiquities chief said on Sunday, after they destroyed two ancient temples at the central Syrian site in recent months.
Maamoun Abdulkarim told Reuters that sources in Palmyra had confirmed that the Arch of Triumph, a jewel in the exquisite collection of ruins in the oasis city, had been blown up.

Rasmussen: Only 22% of GOP voters want McConnell to stay as Senate Majority Leader.

I am surprised the number is that high. 

Via Rasmussen
It looks like Republican voters are ready to clean house when it comes to the party's top two congressional leaders.
Following John Boehner’s sudden decision to step down as speaker of the House of Representatives, 46% of Likely Republican Voters think Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell also should resign. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 22% of GOP voters don’t think the longtime Kentucky senator should step down as majority leader, but a sizable 32% are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
If you wonder why outsiders are dominating the GOP presidential primaries, just check the above picture for understanding. 

Ipsos/Reuters Poll: Donald Trump up to 32% nationally in GOP primary

Trump looks unstoppable...
Donald Trump continues to lead among Republicans, currently with 32% of Republican support (up from 30% last week).
  • Ben Carson remains in 2nd at 12% among Republicans. Carson has lost some ground in the latest poll.
  • Jeb Bush remains in 3rd with 10%.
  • Carly Fiorina has held her gains from after the Republican debate, currently at 8% among Republicans, but has made no more progress.