Friday, May 22, 2020

Here is the real reason you are being forced to wear a cloth mask...

It isn't to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Based on the particle size, cloth masks won't stop COVID virus particles. They will stop macro droplets from sneezes or coughs, but so will using a handkerchief or or your elbow as were have been trained for years.

The reason is a poll a month ago found up to 80% fear going back to their normal lives. That hasn't changed much in the last month.  Most people still won't travel, got to a restaurant, gym, use public transit or even go to a church service.

The reason for this is obvious. Americans have been fed a steady diet of fear porn by our leaders and the news media. We know know the death rate isn't 3% to 10% as we were told earlier. Based on antibody testing, results may indicate the deadly COVID-19 pandemic – has mortality rates under 1% – may be no deadlier than the seasonal flu.  Of course our leaders could be honest and admit they over-hyped the danger, but based on the damage to our economy, that would likely be political suicide.

Instead, they have to come up with a way to make the cowering masses come back out or the economy will be stuck in a deep depression for years. Masks are a very obvious sign of governmental action to allegedly protect the trembling masses. If the masks really worked, they would demand we wear them at home. How can the government tell us we could be a asymptomatic carrier and have to wear a mask in public to prevent  killing someone by infecting them, but it's okay to not wear a mask at home and endanger our dearest loved ones. If they really believed masks were effective and the COVID danger was great, they would wear them at their homes to prevent the death of their family members, but they don't. They know better than to believe their own fear-mongering and hype. Widespread testing is just another example of a panacea. It's all theater to convince people, that they terrified with misinformation, to come out and start working and spending so the tax revenues can return.

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Comparing Kentucky coronovirus(Stay at home order) to Arkansas(No stay at home order)...

Arkansas never issued a stay at home order for citizens. They did close some businesses. Churches were not closed as long as they abide by the 6ft distancing rule. Masks are recommended for the public, but not mandated. By May 11th, they will almost all be back open, including elective surgery, gyms, barber shops and restaurants. Here is the schedule.
Arkansas Department of Health Directives & Orders
May 11: Directive on Resuming Restaurant Dine-In Operations
May 6: Directive for Barber Shops, Body Art Establishments, Cosmetology Establishments, Massage Therapy Clinics/Spas, and Medical Spas
May 4: Directive for Gym, Fitness Center, Athletic Club and Weight Room Reopening
April 27: Directive for Resuming Elective Procedures

Kentucky has an indefinite stay at home order. Churches were closed and May 11th, everyone who goes out will be required to wear a mask. Elective surgery will resume May 6, 2020.  Here is Kentucky's current opening schedule.

  • May 11 – Manufacturing, construction, vehicle and vessel dealerships, professional services (at 50% of pre-outbreak capacity), horse racing (without spectators), pet grooming and boarding
  • May 20 – Retail, houses of worship
  • May 25 – Social gatherings of no more than 10 people, barbers, salons, cosmetology businesses and similar services
You may notice restaurants and gyms aren't even on the list at the moment.

Why is Kentucky more severe and did it help? As for why, it's difficult to understand. Kentucky never had a big coronovirus outbreak or large number of hospitalizations or deaths. Gov. Andy Beshear, who ran as a moderate, has seized the crisis and went full fascist. Has it helped? No. The data does not support his totalitarian overreaction. A comparison with Arkansas which has similar demographics and location doesn't support Beshear's actions and delay in reopening.

From Worldometer 05/01/20:Kentucky is top line, Arkansas is bottom.
The case rate per million is about the same. Arkansas has half the death rate, but both states are low compared to other states.

Arkansas demographics:

Kentucky demographics:
Arkansas has a little smaller population, but a little larger minority(hard hit nationally) percentage.

Kentucky Gov. Beshear has destroyed Kentucky's economy, and still is, for no significant statistical gain against coronovirus. How bad is the difference economically between Kentucky and Arkansas? Kentucky now has the highest unemployment in the continental US. 268 jobs per 1000 have been lost in the last six weeks. That's 28.6%. Kentucky's UI system has been overwhelmed and many can't get paid. Meanwhile, Arkansas lost 129 jobs per 1000. Andy Beshear should resign or be impeached and removed for malfeasance by the KY Legislator.