Sunday, February 15, 2009

The debate on the 'fairness doctrine' is heating up(audio)

American author, teacher, social critic and dissident feminist, Camille Paglia, blasts the democrats for wanting to re-institute the so called 'fairness doctrine'. She called them 'immature' and said they want to violate the 'essence' of free speech and the 'soul' of the Democratic Party. Meanwhile, former President Bill Clinton said we need something like the 'fairness doctrine' to provide 'balance'. Is he serious? We need to provide balance to the Main Stream Media, not political comment.

Here is what Camille Paglia said.

Link: Fairness Doctrine

Here is what Bill Clinton said.

Link: Clinton fairness


  1. The Fairness Doctrine can start with a sister program to NPR and Pulbic TV , better yet eliminate them in the interest in fairness.

  2. Anonymous personal trainers austin said...

    'The Fairness Doctrine can start with a sister program to NPR and Public TV , better yet eliminate them in the interest in fairness."

    You have to wonder why the democrats don't clean their own house if they are really interested in fairness. I guess they just want to shut republicans and conservatives up.


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