Saturday, March 14, 2009

Caption this photo

Michelle Obama is getting a comic book. Caption the photo for fun.


  1. If President Obama looks at another woman, he will find out about my superpowers real fast.

  2. I am in charge here.

  3. Wonder Woman, Wonder Woman.
    All the world's waiting for you,
    and the power you possess.

    In your satin tights,
    Fighting for your rights
    And the old Red, White and Blue.

    Wonder Woman, Wonder Woman.
    Now the world is ready for you,
    and the wonders you can do.

    Make a hawk a dove,
    Stop a war with love,
    Make a liar tell the truth.

    Wonder Woman,
    Get us out from under, Wonder Woman.
    All our hopes are pinned on you.
    And the magic that you do.

    Stop a bullet cold,
    Make the Axis fall,
    Change their minds, and change the world.

    Wonder Woman, Wonder Woman.
    You're a wonder, Wonder Woman.

    [Theme song from the Wonder Woman television show.]

  4. " Lisa Graas said...

    Wonder Woman, Wonder Woman.
    All the world's waiting for you,"

    Nice. I hadn't seen that before.

  5. Thanks to hubby Barry's tattoo removal funds in the Porkulus bill I finally had my Big Momma tat removed and can go sleeveless year round like all the sista's !

  6. "Chicago Ray said...

    Thanks to hubby Barry's tattoo removal funds in the Porkulus bill I finally had my Big Momma tat removed and can go sleeveless year round like all the sista's !"

    LOL. That is the best yet IMHO.

  7. TY sir.

    There's no end to material with these two if only the acolytes in the media weren't afraid of being called racists for mocking barry the boob


Please don't use offense or vulgar language.