Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Conservative Bucknell University students have free speech right trampled (video)

Bucknell University students had a bake sale to protest affirmative action. They sold the goods for different prices based on race to make a point. When the Dean found out the protest wasn't in favor of affirmative action, he shut the event down on a technicality. Even though the students had the approved form filed three weeks in advance, the Dean put a stop to the sale because they were charging less than the $2 listed on the form.

Bucknell Affirmative Action Bake Sale Shut Down(video via YouTube)


  1. WOW... Money says if it was not an affirmative action protest, then it would of been OK to sell donuts for less than the $2.00 on the form.

  2. Mike K said...
    "WOW... Money says if it was not an affirmative action protest, then it would of been OK to sell donuts for less than the $2.00 on the form."

    I would bet a doughnut you are right.

  3. Most academics are liberal-left and believe that free speech must meet approved conventional groupthink standards before it can be expressed. The only way a person could sell donuts less than the $2.00 on the form would be it they were subsidized by the Obama stimulus plan.

  4. Sorry, but you guys are idiots.

    I go here, and the University is Asinine when it comes to food policies. some of the kids are even in my dorm.
    The reason it was shut down was precisely because they were charging prices that weren't on the form. It's ridiculous, but thats how the food admins work here.

    They did not get shut down because it was some kind conservative protest.
    Nor was free speech trampled.
    You all are huge imbeciles, goodnight

  5. "You all are huge imbeciles, goodnight."

    Laugh out loud.
    And you turned out to be a naive fool after the same guy turned down their re-application. He won't allow them to hold an affirmative action bake sale AT ALL because 'it is not a real fundraising event' (no kidding, Sherlock).

    mike jackson


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