Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Famed Bush-basher rips Obama

Ex-CIA spook Michael Scheuer rips into Barack Obama for a "breathtaking display of self-righteousness and intellectual arrogance." He accuses him of putting his personal beliefs ahead of protecting the country. Then he gets really warmed up. Read this excerpt from the Washington Post,
Surprisingly, Obama now stands alongside Bush as a genuine American Jacobin, both of them seeing the world as they want it to be, not as it is. Whereas Bush saw a world of Muslims yearning to betray their God for Western secularism, Obama gazes upon a globe that he regards as largely carnivore-free and believes that remaining threats can be defused by semantic warfare; just stop saying "War on Terror" and give talks in Turkey and on al-Arabiyah television, for example.

Americans should be clear on what Obama has done. In a breathtaking display of self-righteousness and intellectual arrogance, the president told Americans that his personal beliefs are more important than protecting their country, their homes and their families. The interrogation techniques in question, the president asserted, are a sign that Americans have lost their "moral compass," a compliment similar to Attorney General Eric Holder's identifying them as "moral cowards." Mulling Obama's claim, one can wonder what could be more moral for a president than doing all that is needed to defend America and its citizens? Or, asked another way, is it moral for the president of the United States to abandon intelligence tools that have saved the lives and property of Americans and their allies in favor of his own ideological beliefs?

1 comment:

  1. Glad he is speaking out. He has a platform that reaches ppl that need to hear this....Thanks for this post.


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