Thursday, April 9, 2009

How does the military really feel about Obama?

I have always wondered how the military really felt about Obama. This video was posted on YouTube on March 1, 2009. It has been viewed over one million times. The difference in the reaction of the Marines between President Bush and President Obama is very dramatic. Obama supporters have tried to debunk this video by pointing out Obama's event was more formal. That is true, but Obama made it more formal by having 'Hail to the Chief' played while he entered. This forced the troops to stand at attention and gave him an excuse for any lack of enthusiasm. President Bush did not treat the military that way. Even the announcer at Obama's event notes the reaction was "tepid."

Different Presidents, A Different Corps(video via YouTube)

President Obama made a surprise visit to Baghdad during his European trip. This gives us a chance to compare the reaction of servicemen and women on an equal footing. The response to President Obama is improved, but nothing like the response President Bush got. Someone off camera did yell, "We love you" at President Obama. I found the demographics of troops close to Obama interesting. Minorities make up 38% of the military and women are 14%. These numbers don't seem to be reflected among the troops allowed close to Obama. This looks like a "hand picked" crowd of Obama supporters.

Stopping by Baghdad(video via YouTube)

Obama greets the troops in Baghdad.

Here is another look at the crowd.

1 comment:

  1. Good stuff, only saw that top video on Fox and the Obama ones have been played more than Queer eye straight guy reruns.....


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