Thursday, April 2, 2009

Hugo Chavez wants our Gitmo inmates

Most peoples first reaction to this proposal would be to let him have them, but that would be a mistake. Undoubtedly, Hugo Chavez would give them all medals and turn them loose to commit more acts of violence against the U.S. or our allies.

Venezuela: Chavez says he's willing to take Gitmo inmates

CARACAS, Venezuela (CNN) -- Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez says he would be willing to accept prisoners from the Guantanamo Bay detention center, which U.S. President Barack Obama has said he will close, the Venezuelan government said Thursday.

Chavez also said he hopes the United States will give Cuba back the land on which the naval base is located, the government said in a news release.

"We would not have any problem receiving a human being," the government release quoted Chavez as saying in an interview Wednesday with Al Jazeera TV. (excerpt) read more at


  1. My goodness.
    Marx or Englels said that religion is the opiate of the masses.
    Chavez is presumably a follower of the above...therefore a godless atheist.
    Shouldn't take too much in the way of the dark arts then, to turn the Jihad around and confront the godless...


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