Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Obama is having a hard time finding pro-life supporter to be US ambassador to the Holy See

Reportedly, all three candidates president Obama has proposed to the Vatican have been rejected by Pope Benedict XVI because of their pro-abortion stance. Has the Democratic party become so intolerant and bigoted on the issue of abortion they can not find one prominent pro-life supporter to appoint ambassador to the Holy See? By tradition, the post of US ambassador has always been held by pro-life Catholics under both Republican and Democrat administrations. According to BBC NEWS,
The Vatican has rejected at least three possible candidates proposed by Barack Obama to serve as US ambassador to the Holy See, say reliable sources in Rome.

None of the three candidates informally proposed by the Obama administration so far is acceptable to the Pope because of their support for abortion rights.

One of the potential nominees vetoed by the Vatican is Caroline Kennedy, daughter of the former US president.

Conservative Catholics in the US had already criticised her candidacy.

They say her outspoken pro-choice views on abortion made her an unsuitable choice.

The Vatican is unhappy about President Obama's support of abortion rights and his lifting of a previous ban on embryonic stem cell research in the US.

1 comment:

  1. *sigh*

    This sheds light on a few things:

    1. President Obama isn't that popular in Europe at all.
    2. He and his team lack real diplomatic and political skills.
    3. He's arrogant.


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