Saturday, April 11, 2009

Supreme Court to decide if it's possible to discriminate against white people

Can a white person be discriminated against on the basis of their color? The answer should be it is wrong to discriminate against anyone based on their color or ethnic origin. Liberal judges often fail to make the connection. The first case of reverse discrimination, since Justice Roberts was appointed, is about to be heard before the Supreme court. This case involves white firefighters being passed over for promotion because the city wanted more minorities promoted. The LA Times is reporting,

Firefighters' civil rights case could reshape hiring policies
The Supreme Court will soon hear arguments in the case, in which 20 white firefighters allege racial discrimination in New Haven, Conn.
By David G. Savage

Reporting from Washington -- Frank Ricci -- a firefighter in New Haven, Conn. -- spent months listening to study tapes as he drove to work and in the evenings, preparing for a promotional test. It was a once-a-decade chance to move up to a command rank in the fire department.

Ricci earned a top score but no promotion.

The city had coded the test takers by race, and of the top 15 scorers, 14 were white and one was Latino. Since there were only 15 vacancies, it looked as though no blacks would be promoted.

After a racially charged debate that stretched over four hearings, the city's civil service board rejected the test scores five years ago and promoted no one.

"To have the city throw it out because you're white or because you're not African American is insulting," Ricci said when he and 19 other firefighters sued the city for racial discrimination.

Their case, scheduled to be argued this month, is the first to come before the Supreme Court under Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. that broadly raises the issue of race in the workplace. The outcome could reshape hiring and promotion policies for millions of the nation's public employees -- and possibly for private employers as well.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting story. I hope to learn more about this and how it'll turn out.


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