Saturday, April 11, 2009

UN slaps North Korea's hand and sends them to bed without their milk and cookies

The UN agreed today on a statement to condemn North Korea's missile launch. The statement condemns the launch and calls for unspecified additional sanctions. This is the weakest response besides completely ignoring the event. Japan caved in on their demand for a new resolution against the North Koreans. A statement is not even legally binding according to some experts. Here is the story from
UNITED NATIONS (AP) - Key Security Council nations reached agreement Saturday on a statement that would condemn North Korea's rocket launch and toughen U.N. sanctions against the reclusive communist nation.

The five permanent veto-wielding members—the U.S., China, Russia, Britain and France—and Japan reached agreement after Tokyo backed down from a demand that the Security Council adopt a new resolution, the strongest response the U.N.'s most powerful body can give.

They distributed the text of the proposed presidential statement to the nine other council members, who must now consult their capitals. Libya's deputy U.N. ambassador Ibrahim Dabbashi said he expects the council to meet again Monday.

A presidential statement is considered a weaker reaction by the council, and while the U.S. insists it is legally binding, others do not.

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