Saturday, May 30, 2009

Oklahoma State Troopers Try To Arrest EMT In Ambulance On Way To Hospital (video)

Unbelievable. Can anyone say, "Storm Troopers?"

Oklahoma Highway Patrol fight with EMT (video)

Hat tip to Hot Air Pundit.


  1. Why did the Trooper stop the ambulance in the first place? Anyone know?

  2. RNSheets said...

    "Why did the Trooper stop the ambulance in the first place? Anyone know?"

    I think it was "failed to yield way."

  3. A couple of wannabe cops. The state will have to offer up $2 million to get the family of the woman in the ambulance off their fire the guys involved. If the family hires the right lawyer...they could take home $10 million...just because of a couple of stupid cops. Thank God for video....twenty years ago...there wouldn't be any evidence. Now, we've got all need to hustle money out of some stupid wannabe cops and their state guys.

  4. What bothers me most about the incident-having watched the dash board cam on the police cruiser-is this: at one point the officer makes the same moving violation he is so outraged by with the ambulance. Watch the dash cam closely-after leaving the car lot he pulls up to an intersection-there is already a car at the intersection signaling a left turn-he turns before giving the other car an opportunity to pull out. Therefore, he is an emergency vehicle-in a non-emergency situtation-that failed to yield the right of way to another car already in the intersection. That is exactly why he went after the ambulance in the first place. Officers that want to uphold the law must first honor and live within the law-as most do-this trooper notwithstanding.

  5. By all means I think the trooper was wrong in stopping the EMT's that was just crazy espically for the reason he chose to stop them. However,the EMT guy from in back should have never gotten out. He only made things worse with his mouth. If he would have stayed put and the driver acknowledged the tropper; tried to explain their rush. Then it would have ended sooner and quitely. Even if the trooper wrote the ticket he could just go to court and settle it. Then the lady in the ambulance and her family would not be upset and it would have been settled. The EMT guy, although I understand his frustration, was in the wrong and by all rights could be arrested for his actions. The trooper was doing his job legally but did show poor judgement in how he chose to carry it out.

  6. AS far as the not yeilding to the other car at the intersection; as the trooper backs out of the parking lot. He more than likely has his lights on therefore did not have to yeild to that car.


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