Monday, May 18, 2009

Ultra liberal NYT columnist Maureen Dowd accused of plagiarism

Maureen Dowd has been accused of plagiarism. The story is she plagiarized a blogger. Here are the details from Founding Blogger:
Daily Kos diarist SusanG is claiming the NYT plagiarized a blogger.

Maureen Dowd, Pulitizer Prize winner. Today. New York Times:

More and more the timeline is raising the question of why, if the torture was to prevent terrorist attacks, it seemed to happen mainly during the period when the Bush crowd was looking for what was essentially political information to justify the invasion of Iraq.

Josh Marshall. Blogger. Last Thursday. Talking Points Memo:

More and more the timeline is raising the question of why, if the torture was to prevent terrorist attacks, it seemed to happen mainly during the period when we were looking for what was essentially political information to justify the invasion of Iraq.

She nailed Joe Biden for the same offense in 1987.

Maureen Dowd has now credited the story to the blogger and made a partial confession.


  1. That's not plagiarism Joe Biden has that market cornered. This is just plain copying.

    That is really funny the old Gray Lady can't think outside the box and now they are cheating in the writing catagory.

    Since they are listening to bloggers there is a model that would work for the big papers but I won't give it away. They are paying consultants millions to come up with a solution and there is one that would work and work well.

    If the NYT is interested it will cost them $1.5mm and .02% of gross rev. for 5 years to have the solution to their problem.

    Contact me JeffInMiamiBch via Bluegrass Pundit.

  2. During the time I have been an academic scholar, one (of many) cardinal rule that writers must follow is to ALWAYS cite any resources or quotations used.

    In my opinion, this is not only a writer practicing their own common sense using citations is something writers of technical, reference, non-fictional, and scietific documentation must practice.

    It is quite sad actually that someone has to use another person's words and not give them credit for what they have said or the work they have done in getting that documentation together. Even when I put my blogs together there are times when I find something that helps me put all of my writing together and those quotes have been given credit as the authors deserve to be respected for their work.

    Because I am an academic scholar I have learned a lot over the prior years and I am learning more now in my Doctorate degree writing this dissertation. I have very high respect for authors that play by the rules.


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