Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Letterman makes another attempt at an apology to Palin and daughters (video)

David Letterman makes another attempt at an apology to Sarah Palin and her daughters for making a 'crude' joke about one of them having sex at a Yankees baseball game with Alex Rodriguez. This is a much better attempt than his last statement, but he doesn't come across as extermely sincere.
David Letterman Apologizes To Sarah Palin's Family For Joke


  1. Let's hope this is the end of the David Letterman - Sarah Palin feud. While last week Letterman apologized, it was in a snarky sort of way, and wasn't accepted by Palin...
    Exclusive Video here:david letterman sarah palin joke

  2. BS had the video removed due to a copyright claim. Figures. The one time something could go out to help their side of the game, and they yank it. They want us to know there was an apology, but not what was actually said.

    Impressive. ::cough::


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