Tuesday, July 14, 2009

California Judge Agrees to Hear Obama Eligibility Case

In a small victory for those who claim Barack Obama has not proven his constitutional eligibility to be President, a judge in California has agreed to hear the case after the paperwork is in order. Of course, he could dismiss it at a later date.

LA Now reported:
Supporters of a case that disputes the legitimacy of Barack Obama's presidency claimed a small victory today when U.S. District Judge David O. Carter told them to fix their paperwork and that he would listen to "the merits" of their case. But others present for the hearing Monday at the federal courthouse in Santa Ana stressed that the case remains a long way from ever getting a full airing in court and may never get to that point.

The case, Alan Keyes, et al. v Barack H. Obama, et al. was filed on Inauguration Day and is one of a raft of suits alleging Obama is ineligible to be president because he is not a "natural born citizen.” Such claims have fared badly in court to date. In December, for example, the Supreme Court dismissed without comment a case challenging Obama’s right to take the oath of office.

Perhaps because of that history, Orly Taitz, the lawyer who filed the current suit, was greatly cheered by Monday’s hearing. "He's very determined to hear the case on the merits," Taitz said, referring to the judge. "He stated, the country needs to know if Mr. Obama is legitimate, if he can legitimately stay in the White House."

1 comment:

  1. What a collosal waste of time. Guy is a sore loser. Move on and figure out how to put together a platform that will actually allow the right to win the next election


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