Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Does Obama have radical Muslim roots?

Percy Sutton

During the 2008 campaign, an friend of Barack Obama,former Manhattan Borough President Percy Sutton, claimed in an interview that ex-Black Panther and Muslim radical, Khalid al-Mansour, was a close Obama mentor and helped Obama get into Harvard. The Obama camp denied this allegation.

From Politico:
Barack Obama's campaign is flatly denying a story told by former Manhattan Borough President Percy Sutton, who cast an ex-Black Panther turned Muslim businessman and lecturer as a key Obama mentor but whose story seems off in at least one key detail.

Sutton's story, told in what NY1 said was a March 25 interview, has been lighting up the conservative blogs for the last week.

Sutton, now in his late 80s and mostly off the public stage, told NY1's Dominic Carter that he was asked to write a letter of recommendation to Harvard Law School on Obama's behalf by a man named Khalid al-Mansour of Texas, "the principle adviser to one of the world's richest men" who was also "raising money for [Obama]."

Obama spokesman Ben LaBolt told Politico that "Obama did not know and does not know Khalid al-Mansour."

There is one way to firmly end this controversy. If President Obama would release his college records, he could prove there was no letter of recommendation from Khalid al-Mansour. He is refusing to allow Harvard to release his records.
From WND:
President Obama's unwillingness to allow the American public to see his records at Harvard Law School prevents resolution of a continuing controversy over whether radical Islamic influences promoted his admission and financed his legal education there.

Yesterday, WND e-mailed a request to Obama spokesman Tommy Vietor, asking that the White House release Obama's law school records to resolve the issue.

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