Sunday, July 5, 2009

FBI Spokesman Confirms No Palin Investigation

Left wing blogs tried to spread the rumor that Sarah Palin resigned as Governor of Alaska because of a looming federal investigation into the building of her home while she was Mayor of Wasilla, Alaska. FBI Special Agent Eric Gonzalez said, "There is absolutely no truth to those rumors that we're investigating her or getting ready to indict her. It's just not true."

The Los Angeles Times reported:
A day after Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin resigned, a federal official in her home state dismissed one potential explanation for her sudden and unexpected resignation: a rumored FBI investigation into the former Wasilla mayor on public corruption charges.

Despite rumors of a looming controversy after the Republican governor's surprise announcement Friday that she would leave office this month, some of them published in the blogosphere, the FBI's Alaska spokesman said the bureau had no investigation into Palin for her activities as governor, as mayor or in any other capacity.

"There is absolutely no truth to those rumors that we're investigating her or getting ready to indict her," Special Agent Eric Gonzalez said in a phone interview Saturday. "It's just not true." He added that there was "no wiggle room" in his comments for any kind of inquiry.

Meanwhile, Palins attorney is threatening lawsuits.

From Politico:
In an extraordinary four-page letter, Alaska-based attorney Thomas Van Flein warns of severe consequences should speculation that until now has largely been confined to blogs about whether Palin embezzled funds in the construction of a Wasilla, Alaska, sports arena find its way into print.

1 comment:

  1. The left destroyed Alaskan Senator Ted Stevens' career over the same allegations. Can't they come up with something else? Oh, but they did. They accused Gov. Palin so much that she couldn't do her job properly. I believe Senator Stevens should sue and that Gov. Palin should sue. These people with their lies keep destroying credible fine public servants while their favorites continue to live amoral lives and support public policity of amorality. I have my Sarah tee shirt on today proudly!!!


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