Sunday, July 12, 2009

Geithner calls recession "very healthy adjustment" (video)

The Obama administration is fearful the recent negative economic news will put the brakes on his aggressive agenda to pass Cap and Tax and overhaul health care. In response, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner tried to put some 'lipstick on this pig' of an economy. Geithner called the current recession, " very necessary and very healthy adjustment." Americans who have lost their house or job might disagree.

Geithner on Status of Economy (video)

From the Video:
“What the economy is going through is a very necessary and very healthy adjustment as families and the United States government goes back to living within their means,” stated Geithner in testimony before a joint House Agriculture and Financial Services hearing on the regulation of derivatives on Friday. Geithner predicted a “slower” recovery due to the “healthy dynamics” of the contraction of credit and increased personal savings.

Geithner claimed the government was going back to living within it's means. Is he unaware of Obama's and the Democrats plan to expand health care spending by up to $1 trillion?

Not to be outdone, President Obama claimed stimulus bill “has worked as intended.”

From Bloomberg:

President Obama made this claim as unemployment hit 9.5% with no sign of slowing down.

1 comment:

  1. Since when is the GOVERNMENT living within its means, tax cheat Tim? fan


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