Saturday, July 25, 2009

Is Global Warming Over?

Is Global Warming Over? According to the temperature charts, there has been no appreciable temperature increase in the last ten years.

Chart found here.

Meanwhile, CO2 levels in the atmosphere continue to climb.

Chart found here.

These charts indicate a lack of correlation between carbon levels in the atmosphere and the Earth's temperature. There could be a reason for this, but the burden of proof is on those that advocate anthropogenic global warming, not the skeptics. So far, they have failed to explain this divergence of the carbon level and temperature. Instead, the anthropogenic global warming crowd claims ten years is too short a period to disprove global warming. What period is long enough for them? Would twenty years or a hundred years be enough? The global warming crowd likes to pick a time period that is conducive to their theory. Here is the graph they want you to see.

Chart found here.

In the above chart, global warming advocates have selected an arbitrary time period that best supports their theory. Here is the chart they don't want you to see.

(click chart for larger view)

Chart found here.

Th 2000 year temperature chart shows that temperatures were as hot 1000 years ago as they are today. Of course, human society was largely agrarian at that time and anthropogenic carbon emissions weren't a factor. This brings up the question of how big an impact CO2 has as a greenhouse gas. Here is a sample chart of greenhouse gases the anthropogenic global warming advocates want you to see.

Chart found here.

There is something missing from the above chart. The main greenhouse gas is water vapor. The impact of water vapor and cloud droplets as a greenhouse gas is widely acknowledged. There is debate about what percent of the greenhouse effect is caused by water vapor and cloud droplets, but the number is thought to be 66% to 85%.

Table found here.


  1. I've learned recently that they think that the amount of CO2 in the air is at a level that is already very efficeint in its heat retaining and that increases in CO2 do not contribute to more heating because a natural law of diminishing returns has kicked in.

    CO2 has NEVER been a driver for Earth's climate. Ever.

  2. VinceP1974 said...

    "I've learned recently that they think that the amount of CO2 in the air is at a level that is already very efficeint in its heat retaining and that increases in CO2 do not contribute to more heating because a natural law of diminishing returns has kicked in.

    CO2 has NEVER been a driver for Earth's climate. Ever."

    They have failed to explain the flat line temperature for the last ten years. There has not bee a major volcanic eruption or any other natural explanation I am aware of, but CO2 levels are high. If they can not explain that fact, CO2 is not a major factor in climate change.

  3. That's a really short term series of graphs you've got there. Take a piece of hose and push marbles into it. For a while nothing happens, but later marbles start appearing at the other end. Effects may take a long time to occur, especially in a system the size of the planet.

  4. Roger from Solar Power Facts said...

    "That's a really short term series of graphs you've got there. Take a piece of hose and push marbles into it. For a while nothing happens, but later marbles start appearing at the other end. Effects may take a long time to occur, especially in a system the size of the planet."

    So, your explanation for why the temperature has stabilized while co2 rises rapidly is "marbles and hose." You will need to do better than that. As for my graphs being short term, one is a 2000 year graph that shows the temperature was as hot 1000 years ago as now. CO2 didn't cause that.


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