Saturday, July 4, 2009

John McCain delivers Republican 4th of July Address(video)

Senator John McCain delivers the Republican weekly address on Independence Day. He makes a strong statement of support for the Iranian people and takes a shot at those who have failed to do so.

From Youtube:
Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) discusses Americans' appreciation for the 4th of July and points to the universal rights proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence, saying, "the world must never doubt where we stand on the liberation struggles of our time."

Sen. McCain says that Americans stand "with the millions of Iranians who brave batons, imprisonment, and gunfire to have their voices heard and their votes counted."

From the video:
“Today, we stand with the millions of Iranians who brave batons, imprisonment and gunfire to have their voices heard and their votes counted. They do not ask us to arm them or come to their assistance with anything other than public declarations of solidarity, and public denunciations of the tyrants who oppress them. We have a moral obligation to do so.

“There are those among us who warn that a strong and unequivocal declaration of moral support for Iranians would be used by the cruel regime in power there to convince their subject people that the United States is behind the civil unrest they have attempted to hide from the world. But the regime will make that claim no matter what we say or do. Do they really believe Iranians don’t know why they’re protesting and who is oppressing them? Do they think Iranians whose votes were discarded, whose voices have been ignored, whose lives have been threatened by the regime they wish to be rid of will think America has put them in that position; that the CIA caused a brave and idealistic young woman to step out of her car to join their protest, only to be instantly murdered by the henchmen of the regime?

“Iranians know the truth. They know who is oppressing them and why. It’s a government that governs without their consent, which beats them, imprisons them and threatens their lives to preserve its own hold on power, and not to resist some imagined foreign enemy.

“They are not fools, these brave and determined Iranians. They are on the right side of history, and the cynics among us, who think them fools, are on the wrong side. Liberty and justice will someday be theirs. Let us hope they will have reason to remember then, who their friends were in their struggle for freedom.

“This is John McCain, wishing you a happy and meaningful Fourth of July.” (accent is mine)


  1. Unfortunately, right here in the USA we too are struggling to have our voices heard and our votes counted.

  2. John McCain is a war hero but he has lost his way. He was not the one to give the Republican 4th of July Address. Jim Demint should have. McCain would not stand up for Gov. Palin at any time. She was the one most of us voted for. He would have been shellacked if not for her. The RINOs need to wake up and go ahead and pull an Arlen Spector. May God help America and then He can Bless Her.

  3. I do not wish to speak ill of a Veteran and legitimate hero today BGP. I am content to say thanks to Senator McCain for his service to our Nation. And to all that fought for us. May God bless you all.


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