Thursday, July 16, 2009

Updated: Weird Things are Happening in the Obama Birth Certificate Saga

Several military personnel have engaged in a lawsuit claiming President Obama's orders are not valid because he has not proven his eligibility for office. U.S. Army Reserve Maj. Stefan Frederick Cook was threatening to defy a July 16th order to deploy to Afghanistan. You might think this would lead to a court marshal where both sides would present their case. The Government should be able to easily prove Obama was born in Hawaii and eligible. Right? The Army has chosen a very different path. They abruptly and with out comment canceled Maj. Cook's deployment order.
A U.S. Army Reserve major from Florida scheduled to report for deployment to Afghanistan within days has had his military orders revoked after arguing he should not be required to serve under a president who has not proven his eligibility for office.

His attorney, Orly Taitz, confirmed to WND the military has rescinded his impending deployment orders.

"We won! We won before we even arrived," she said with excitement. "It means that the military has nothing to show for Obama. It means that the military has directly responded by saying Obama is illegitimate – and they cannot fight it. Therefore, they are revoking the order!"

She continued, "They just said, 'Order revoked.' No explanation. No reasons – just revoked."

Then, the Department of Defense compelled his private employer, a defense contractor, to fire him.
The Department of Defense has compelled a private employer
to fire a U.S. Army Reserve major from his civilian job after he had his military deployment orders revoked for arguing he should not be required to serve under a president who has not proven his eligibility for office.

According to the CEO of Simtech Inc., a private company
contracted by the Defense Security Services, an agency of the Department of Defense, the federal government
has compelled the termination of Maj. Stefan Frederick Cook.

Update: This morning a federal judge dismissed the suit filed by a U.S. Army reservist who demanded proof Obama was eligible to be Commander-in-Chief before he would agree to be deployed to Afghanistan. The military successfully argued the case was "moot" because Major Cook's deployment was canceled. Am I the only one sensing a plan by Obama?

From Ledger-Enquirer:
Judge Clay Land sided with the defense, which claimed in its response to Maj. Stefan Frederick Cook's suit, filed July 8 with the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Georgia, that Cook’s suit is “moot” in that he already has been told he doesn’t have to go to Afghanistan, so the relief he is seeking has been granted.


  1. Define thugocracy

    See Zimbabwe for details.

  2. These liberal pundits and politicians, and even many Republicans treat this issue as a joke. It really is just as simple as producing the legitimate document for all to see, and laying the whole thing to rest. It isn't going to go away.

    and further:

    I'm not saying it's impossible that the whole thing has been fabricated. However, I'm asking if the topic is worth discussing.

    If your intent is to marginalize or remove the President from office, there are other, more effective ways of doing so involving influencing the opinions of public representatives and of the public in general.

    Enough of this topic, it's just not worth it.

  4. I dig the irony here BGP. You guys hate the Commander in Chief so much you make a hero out of a guy that disobeys orders and refuses to do the duty he signed up to do.

    One day a Bush grandchild may become president and order this deserter a medal of freedom for his service to the most militant Obama haters of the Republican Party.

  5. The sense of outrage I keep seeing when people ask this legitimate question is fascinating. No authenticated certificate of live birth has ever been produced, and inquiring about the details of his global movements through the years is apparently supposed to be evidence of harassment, derangement, racism, or paranoia.

    Our president's background may have been like a soap opera, but the questions an increasing number of very reasonable people are asking are still, at heart, very simple. Where are the documents that show us who he really is? Why are millions of dollars being spent by his legal team? When McCain was asked to document his background, he did so immediately and completely. It's not difficult when you have nothing to hide.

    For someone so committed to transparency as our president is, we have alarmingly little actual documentation, with the Certificate of Live Birth most conspicuous by its absence. People wanting to work for the U.S. Postal Service go through more scrutiny. If this line of inquiry angers anyone, they should ask themselves what they would be doing if the journalistic shoe were on the other political foot.

    All I hear is outrage, but no truly sound argument for not vetting someone thorougly before making him leader of the free world- if not before, then now.

    Sounds reasonable to me.

  6. TRUTH 101 said...

    "I dig the irony here BGP. You guys hate the Commander in Chief so much you make a hero out of a guy that disobeys orders and refuses to do the duty he signed up to do."

    I don't understand why they don't Court Marshall him. He could have his day in court and if Obama is proven eligible, he could be punished. Don't you think it is odd that hasn't happened?

  7. l they've done is invite many more of these challenges by every service person ordered to deploy, especially by those who don't want to go. This is ultimately a disastrous strategy.

  8. TheBigOldDog said...

    "they've done is invite many more of these challenges by every service person ordered to deploy,"

    That is an excellent point. Many who could care less about the eligibility issue could use the tactic to avoid deployment.

  9. I'm starting to feel sorry for Birthers. Seriously, the CNN piece was hard to watch. I felt sorry for Alane Keyes too.

    The dude that said this..

    "It really is just as simple as producing the legitimate document for all to see, and laying the whole thing to rest. It isn't going to go away".

    You're right, it won't go away as long as there are old angry white men clinging to this theory. You can be shown hard evidence and still act like it's not enough.

    The funny part about all of this birth certificate stuff is the "donate" buttons on the blog sites. There's money in this isn't there? World Net daily is cashing in on you guys. Stirring up Obama fears is profitable as along as angry old white guys can keep the flames buring on PayPal.

    Next time I need cash I'm going to start a right wing blog and I'll invite you guys to join since you have nothing better to do.

    There's a black guy in the White House. Get over it.

  10. Brenda,

    No mater how many credible sources (from both sides of the political spectrum) produce credible evidence, you'll still act as if nothing has been produced.

    There have been more blogs, photos and stories written about the Presidents birth certificate than any other birth certificate in the history of birth certificates. It's been examined by non partisan research groups, it's been verified by Honolulu newspapers, the Republican Governor of Hawaii backs it up, the Department of Health backs it up and the list goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on....

    But if you sit here in conspiracy blog world, it's still a "mystery" isn't it? Because you haven;t touched the paper is still doesn't exist. I haven't seen your birth certificate so I suspect your not a citizen either.

    I guess as long as you cling to this debunked notion and as long as you never actually look at the evidence. then it doesn't exist.

    I'm starting to feel sorry for you birthers. You have a right to doubt I guess but it's getting to be sad. You have to be in a real sad place to keep clinging to this stuff.

  11. Sorry one more thing...

    Brenda you said "For someone so committed to transparency as our president is, we have alarmingly little actual documentation"


    How many birth certificates do you have? One?

    I have only one too. No doctors name on mine. How about yours?

    So, that alarmingly little isn't it? Maybe we're not Americans! Yikes!!

    Unbelievably ridiculous argument. It's why both Republicans and Democrats treat it like a joke. It's a joke.


Please don't use offense or vulgar language.