Sunday, August 9, 2009

SEIU: Goons and Thugs for ObamaCare

Here is more video from the attack by Service Employees International Union(SEIU) members on protesters in St. Louis. You can hear the SEIU call the protesters "punks" and "Nazis." They must have got the Nazi label from listening to Nancy Pelosi. At the end, a SEIU thug pushes a camera into a woman's face.

Democrats are inviting the SEIU to these meetings and giving them preferential treatment. They sneak SEIU members in through the side doors and let them pass out fliers for them.

HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius wants the SEIU thugs to keep showing up. They are her “brothers and sisters.”
HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius held a brief conference call with SEIU members this afternoon.

She hailed them as her “brothers and sisters” and urged them to show up at town hall meetings.

ACORN is also showing up at the Town Halls. ACORN has strong ties to the SEIU. Here is a video from Glenn Beck about the SEIU/Acorn relationship.


  1. St. Louis unions, I hate St. Louis unions. By the way, I am not fond of the unions either at McCormick Place in Chicago who will threaten to kick you out of a trade show for plugging in your lap top. A union electrician gets paid big bucks for plugging in a lap top.

  2. Bungalow Bill said...

    "A union electrician gets paid big bucks for plugging in a lap top."

    That is insane. No wonder unions are in decline. They have earned their "bad reputation."

  3. I will point out that the International BNrotherhood of Police Officers (www.ibpo) are SEIU members.

  4. United Citizens Council said...

    "I will point out that the International BNrotherhood of Police Officers (www.ibpo) are SEIU members."

    They will quit now if they have any morality.


Please don't use offense or vulgar language.