Wednesday, September 9, 2009

An audience member yells "liar" at Obama during his speech to Congress.

At least one member of the audience,Rep. Joe Wilson, R-S.C, knows the truth about Obamacare. Someone yelled "liar" at Obama during his speech to Congress.


  1. *love* it!
    Just wish I hadn't had to listen to Obama talk for the 1:20 to get there!

  2. Senator McCain already said the idiot needs to apologise. And he should have been calling himself a liar.

  3. He did apologize, although he didn't admit he was wrong.

    And good thing he yelled out... the rightwingnuts DESPERATELY need any issue to take attention away from the fact that, after tonight's speech, they're playing from behind for sure!


Please don't use offense or vulgar language.