Sunday, September 6, 2009

Senator Tom Coburn schools a "public option" supporter (Video)

Senator Tom Coburn takes on a "public option" supporter. He makes a great case against the public option. The crowd obviously agrees with him.


  1. Tom Coburn is my hero. Beautifully explained. Without rancor or ugliness. Well done, Sir!

  2. I'm adding Senator Coburn to my list...of those I will support... nation-wide...whether they are from my state or not....
    Thank you for the 'heads up'...

  3. This is a sad mistake. If "compassion" is the by-word, I can assure you there are millions examples of where big insurance fails the compassion test. Compassion looses out to profit, EVERY time, with no regulation. The chances for compassion are VASTLY greater for a government organization than private profit. As a former child abuse caseworker I can attest that there is an abundance of compassion in that sector. As a former Food Stamp administrator I can tell you that the organizations I dealt with were filled with concerned, helpful and yes, compassionate individuals. I've yet to find an equally compassionate insurance claims agent. The bankruptcy of the Federal government wasn't directly related to those specific programs either but as the result of the ability for the private sector to operate without constraint. I'm sorry the man is totally delusional.


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