Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Obama: "spend our way out of this recession"

President Obama and Democrats are planning another spending spree on the taxpayers dime. This time they want to take $200 billion in leftover or returned TARP money and do a job stimulus. Wasn't "Porkulus" supposed to create jobs? A look at the chart below might lead us to believe the stimulus actually cost jobs.

Any new jobs bill the Democrats support will ony be a bailout for their special interest groups. Nevertheless, President Obama is determined to 'pork' us out of a recession.
WASHINGTON (AP) - President Barack Obama outlined new multibillion-dollar stimulus and jobs proposals Tuesday, saying the nation must continue to "spend our way out of this recession" until more Americans are back at work.

Without giving a price tag, Obama proposed a package of new spending for highway, bridge and other infrastructure projects, deeper tax breaks for small businesses and tax incentives to encourage people to make their homes more energy efficient.

For reference, here is some of the 'pork' in the first stimulus bill.
The State University of New York at Buffalo won $390,000 to study young adults who drink malt liquor and smoke marijuana. The National Institutes of Health got $219,000 in funds to study whether female college students are more likely to “hook up” after drinking alcohol.

Are young college age women more likely to 'hook up' after getting drunk? Any college ages young man could answered that question for a lot less than $200 thousand.


  1. Translation: The printing presses are full speed ahead.

    What a lack of common monetary sense we have in Washington DC anymore. It just blows me away.

  2. Right up there with "Eat yourself thin..."


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