Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Blue Dog Battle: Blanche Lincoln Rips Ben Nelson for ObamaCare kickback

Senator Blanche Lincoln is probably just angry she was too stupid to demand a kickback. Now, she is ripping Ben Nelson for the 'cornhusker kickback.' If it was so wrong, why did she vote for it? .


  1. If this is how Senator Lincoln really feels, then why is she still committed to her yes vote? Seems to me she is trying to save her political ass over this yes vote by appearing suddenly to represent the people of Arkansas, which polls showed didn't want the healthcare bill.

  2. Bungalow Bill said...

    "If this is how Senator Lincoln really feels, then why is she still committed to her yes vote? Seems to me she is trying to save her political ass over this yes vote by appearing suddenly to represent the people of Arkansas, which polls showed didn't want the healthcare bill."

    I couldn't have said it better.


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