Thursday, January 7, 2010

Shocker! Terrorists May Sue to Stay in Gitmo!

Hilarious! After years of liberals complaining about horrid treatment of detainees and trying to force the closure of the Guantánamo Bay detention facility, the terrorists housed there are likely to file legal action to stay. This tidbit buried in a blog by Newsweek's ace reporter Michael Isikoff must really steam liberals. Isikoff quotes the terrorists attorney.

Falkoff notes that many of his clients, while they clearly want to go home, are at least being held under Geneva Convention conditions in Guantánamo. At Thomson, he notes, the plans call for them to be thrown into the equivalent of a "supermax" security prison under near-lockdown conditions.

"As far as our clients are concerned, it's probably preferable for them to remain at Guantánamo," he says.

Terrorists prefer sunny Gitmo and Geneva Convention treatment to a cold and dreary Supermax prison.


  1. Linked you on my blog as an update to my GITMO story. This gets better and better.

    But sad that the Obama Admin has no clue how to keep this country safe.

  2. Opus #6 said...

    "Linked you on my blog as an update to my GITMO story. This gets better and better.

    But sad that the Obama Admin has no clue how to keep this country safe."

    Thanks. Gave your blogs a follow.


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