Saturday, January 2, 2010

Study Shows No Increase in Atmospheric CO2 Percentage

Why is this important? Global warming can't be attributed to man-made CO2 unless the percentage of CO2 in the atmosphere is increasing.

Science Daily
Wolfgang Knorr of the Department of Earth Sciences at the University of Bristol reanalyzed available atmospheric carbon dioxide and emissions data since 1850 and considers the uncertainties in the data.

In contradiction to some recent studies, he finds that the airborne fraction of carbon dioxide has not ...

1 comment:

  1. "Global warming can't be attributed to man-made CO2 unless the percentage of CO2 in the atmosphere is increasing"

    This is not correct: of course it can. All that this research tells us is that the extra CO2 we're putting into the environment hasn't reduced in the proportion that stays in the air as opposed to that which is absorbed by the sea or biosphere. This is a good thing, but it doesn't mean the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere isn't increasing, which is what so many people desperately want it to mean.


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