Saturday, January 16, 2010

Unbelievable! SEIU Members Rally For Scott Brown

I never thought we would see SEIU members holding Scott Brown campaign signs. Martha Coakley's campaign is officially doomed without a miracle.

Red Mass Group has more.


  1. If you go to the Red Mass Group site, they have a photo of a young female SEIU member holding up a "Not Being Paid $50 to Stand Here" sign. LOL.

  2. Are you sure these are not SEIU members showing off how many yard signs they stole. There are reports that signs being stolen is a rampant problem in this election. But it does make a humorous pic whichever way turns out to be the case.

  3. check out videos of seiu

  4. The unions don't think obamacare goes far enough toward single-payer govt-run healthcare. They know if Brown wins (May it be so, Lord!), the Senate will be unable to shut off a GOP fillibuster.


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