Saturday, January 23, 2010

Watch This Video Before You Jump To A Conclusion The SCOTUS Campaign Donation Decision Was Wrong

If you think the Supreme Court decision determining campaign donations are free speech was wrong, watch this video from the Cato Institute and learn what campaign finance reform is all about.


  1. I think the judge that banned a book that had a line stating "go out and vote for" interpreted the campaign finance reform law incorrectly. Judges get laws wrong as well and they also go to extremes within those interpretations.

    McCain/Feingold was meant to limit how much political influence a corporation can have on elections. If donations are free speech for corporations as well, then what you will get is an election not by the people of the United States but by the Corporate powers of the United States and corporations overseas.

    Now in the coming elections, we are going to see big campaign ads funded by corporations that will produce lies against conservative candidates because many of the corporations take liberal stances to benefit their own interests, conservatives will have a hard time getting elected.

  2. M4zdaman said...

    " I think the judge that banned a book that had a line stating "go out and vote for" interpreted the campaign finance reform law incorrectly."

    I respect your opinion, but I don't think this will hurt republican candidates. They receive a lot of support from corporations.


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