Monday, April 12, 2010

15.7 million American's are jobless and DHS issues 1,130,818 new Green Cards to foreign nationals

15.7 million American's are looking for work in the post 2007 recession. That job is made more difficult by the Department of Homeland Security issuing 1,130,818 new Green Cards to foreign nationals, allowing them to compete for the few jobs available. This is insane.
The Department of Homeland Security has just reported that during 2009, they issued 1,130,818 new Green Cards to foreign nationals, allowing them to work legally in this country. That number represents the fourth highest number of cards issued in one year.

750,000 of the new Green Cards were given to the families of U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents.

The top four recipient nations are as follows:

-China…receiving 64,238

1 comment:

  1. Google, "Operation Wetback", President Eishenhower deported over 13 million illegal aliens during his administration. Here's another that should be deported, more so:


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