Friday, May 21, 2010

California Has Borrowed $7 Billion To Keep Unemployment Checks In The Mail

A total of 32 states have run out funds to make unemployment benefit payments and are being bailed out by federal government loans. California is the worst offender at $6.9 billion. Michigan is second at $3.9 billion and New York comes in third at $3.2 billion. The states needing the biggest unemployment benefits bailout all voted for President Obama in 2008.

Here is the list from

Alabama 283 million
Arkansas 330 million
California 6.9 billion
Colorado 253 million
Connecticut 498 million
Delaware 12 million
Florida 1.6 billion
Georgia 416 million
Idaho 202 million
Illinois 2.2 billion
Indiana 1.7 billion
Kansas 88 million
Kentucky 795 million
Maryland 133 million
Mass. 387 million
Michigan 3.9 billion Minnesota 477 million
Missouri 722 million
Nevada 397 million
New Jersey 1.7 billion
New York 3.2 billion
N.C. 2.1 billion
Ohio 2.3 billion
Penn. 3.0 billion
R.I. 225 million
S.C. 886 million
S.D. 24 million
Tennessee 21 million
Texas 1.0 billion
Vermont 33 million
Virginia 346 million
Virgin Islands 13 million
Wisconsin 1.4 billion
Total $37.8 billion


  1. This is ridiculous.

    There is no more money.

    We have already robbed the next generation.

  2. It's OK, it's coming from Obama's really,


Please don't use offense or vulgar language.