Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Pennsylvania Voters Throw Arlen Specter On Ash Heap Of History

Image from Pennsylvania Dept. of State.

Former RINO Arlen Specter changed party affiliation to Democrat in a bid to avoid loosing the Republican primary. Now, he has lost the Democratic Primary. Arlen Specter has been handily defeated by Joe Sestak (54-46) in the Pennsylvania Senate Democratic primary. This is another rejection of a candidate President Obama campaigned for. Allegedly, the White House offered Joe Sestak an administration job to drop his primary bid against Specter.


  1. I got the feeling a lot of candidates asked Obie Won not to campaign for them.

  2. Hey All,

    Have a "nice" retirement Arlen, at our expense of course.

    If anyone epitomizes someone who can "change colors" it is you.

    There's a special place in hell for your kind.


Please don't use offense or vulgar language.