Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Gaza Flotilla Had "Cache of Weapons" on Board

All photos from IDF.

You can see some of the weapons found on board the Gaza "peace activists" flotilla above.

IDF reported:
After IDF soldiers succeeded in stopping the attack against them by passengers on board the Mavi Marmara ship, the ship was brought to the Ashdod port and arrived in the late hours of Monday evening (May 31). Flotilla participants were brought off the ship and taken for questioning.

Once the activists left the ship, security forces began a thorough search and found a supply of weapons, including knives, Molotov cocktails, detonators, wood and metal clubs, slingshots and rocks, large hammers and sharp metal objects. In addition, gas masks were found, pointing to the prior intention of the ship’s passengers to use violence against IDF soldiers who would then be forced to use riot dispersal methods.


  1. This is so idiotic, can't you see it?

    These are kitchen knives & tools!

    The world's most sophisticated military sends in elite paratroopers with machine guns, starts shooting humanitarian aid workers in cold blood, then arranges a phony photo op & whines about being attacked. Really how absurd.

    Murder, piracy & lame, cowardly lies. So ISRAEL.

    And to continue the nautical metaphor, you bought it hook line & sinker. Better remove this post, it makes you look really REALLY stupid! Stupider than Sarah Palin almost.. Almost.

  2. "The world's most sophisticated military sends in elite paratroopers with machine guns, starts shooting humanitarian aid workers in cold blood"

    If you are being hit upon by several men with steel pipes, shooting them is called self-defense.

  3. Anonymous said...

    "This is so idiotic, can't you see it?

    These are kitchen knives & tools!"

    Clubs, knives and slingshots? Tools of insurrection perhaps.

  4. "If you are being hit upon by several men with steel pipes, shooting them is called self-defense."

    No, it's self defense when you hit men with steel pipes after they try to commandeer your ship in international waters. It's called piracy and pirates should expect the possibility of serious resistance.

  5. to anonymous:go kiss your muslim friends ass and pray to god that all these "peacefull weapons" won't reach your home in the future!


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