Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Gulp! Scientists Say We better Do Something About Global Warming Before 2200!

2200? Yes. That is the date 14 scientists have determined as a likely tipping point in global warming. They claim the consequences of increases in warming and CO2 are unknown after that date. Since global warming is caused mainly by fossil fuels, I have good news for the scientists. We will run out of oil and natural gas well before 2100. There is still plenty of coal still around, but it is becoming more difficult to get and may not be economically feasible in the future.

The Independent reported:
The global climate is more than likely to slip into an unpredictable state with unknown consequences for human societies if carbon dioxide emissions continue on their present course, a survey of leading climate scientists has found....

The 14 scientists, all experts in their fields of climate research, were asked about the probability of a tipping point...

Nine of the fourteen scientists said that the chances of a tipping point for the high scenario were greater than 90 per cent, with only one saying that the chances were less than 50:50. At current rates of CO2 emissions, the world is on course for following the higher trajectory on global warming suggested by the IPCC.


  1. Oh noes, oh noes!!! :)

  2. 1) Even if fossil fuel use stopped, warming will continue while the planet stabilizes.
    2) 200 years is a fraction of a second in term of the Earth's history, so to kick the can down the road is a crass misjudgement.


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