Saturday, June 26, 2010

Lefty Bill Press Compares Upcoming Tea Party at Lincoln Memorial to Al Qaeda Rally at Ground Zero

The National Park Service has given Glenn Beck permission to hold a Tea Party rally on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial on August 28, 2010. Some Beck and Tea Party haters are angry. Aren't they always? But I digress. Forty years ago, on August 28th, Martin Luther King gave his "I have a dream speech" on the steps of the Washington Monument. The timing has caused some on the left to flip-out. Bill Press, Huffington Post blogger and liberal radio talker, is comparing giving permission for the Tea Party rally to giving al Qaeda permission to hold a rally on 9/11 at Ground Zero. The left can not come to grips with the reality a large number of Americans oppose President Obama for reasons other than his race. Here is some of what Bill Press posted on his website.
In a slap at both President Lincoln and Dr. King, not to mention the American people, the National Park Service has given Glenn Beck permission to hold a Tea Party rally on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial on August 28 – 47 years to the day after Martin Luther King gave his magnificent “I Have A Dream” speech.

If you ask me, that’s like granting al Qaeda permission to hold a rally on September 11 – at Ground Zero.

What the hell were those bureaucrats at the Park Service thinking?...

Glenn Beck’s August 28 Tea Party rally at the Lincoln Memorial is an abomination. It should be cancelled – immediately.

That’s my parting shot for today.


  1. Wife and I have our plane tickets, hotel, and rental car set. Ready to "Restore Honor"!

  2. This may be the most outrageous thing a liberal ever said. Well, that's a high bar.

  3. Because everyone knows what a good Democrat Lincoln was and how much he hated those...uh, wait a minute.


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