Sunday, July 25, 2010

Fantastic Video: Chris Wallace Reams Howard Dean for Accusing FOX News of Racism

Howard Dean accused FOX News of racism for covering the Shirley Sherrod and Black Panthers stories. After Wallace floored former Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean with the information Shirley Sherrod was forced out before FOX ever mentioned her name or showed the video, Dean was practically sputtering.


  1. FOX news has no creds. As proof, who's running the country? The libs or the conservatives? And it WILL remain that way until this country gets back to where it's affordable to live here by working people; and not by your corporate pals!!!!

  2. FOX news has no creds. As proof, who's running the country? The libs or the conservatives? And it WILL remain that way until this country gets back to where it's affordable to live here by working people; and not by your corporate pals!!!!


Please don't use offense or vulgar language.