Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Heartache: Markos of Daily KOS Banned From MSNBC

From Daily KOS:
In case you were wondering why you haven't seen me on MSNBC recently, it seems that Joe Scarborough, he of the lowest rated morning show in cableland, has blackballed me. And Phil Griffin, the alleged president of MSNBC, is going along with it.

How does someone as liberal as Markos Moulitsas of Daily KOS get banned from the most liberal cable news network? Allegedly, he has been badmouthing MSNBC's Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough. Here is an exchange between the two from twitter.
JoeNBC: @markos Unbelievable. You have a long history of spreading lies suggesting I am a murderer. This is the 3rd or 4th time by my count.

Markos: @JoeNBC, I've never suggested you're a murderer. I've noted media hypocrisy in going after Gary Condit. But he was Dem. You aren't.

JoeNBC: Anyone in media who interviews @markos, know that you're extending your credibility to someone who regularly suggests that I'm a murderer.

Markos: A bit touchy, @JoeNBC? Links for where I accuse you of being a murderer please.

Afterwords, Markos received this letter:

Blog if you must, but here is my on the record statement to you which I ask that you print in full:

Yes, after I became aware of the ugly cheap shot you took at Joe on Twitter, I asked the teams to take a break from booking you on our shows for a while. I found the comments to be in poor taste, and utterly uncalled for in a civil discourse.

I'm hoping this will be only temporary and that the situation can be resolved in a mature fashion, but until then I just don't know how one could reasonably expect to be welcomed onto our network while publicly antagonizing one of our hosts at the same time.

The DailyKos community has been among the most supportive of MSNBC, and we continue to appreciate that support. (accent is mine)


  1. Looks like now that their 'messiah' isn't panning out as they'd hoped, they're beginning to eat their own...

  2. He bans or let's people get banned, from his blog all the time and defends it, or condones it, or simply ignores it. Now, when it happens to him, he cries like a baby. The hypocrisy alone is worth its weight in gold.

    When is someone going to call him on his crap once and for all.

    And I am a progressive liberal who has been banned from Daily Kos 3 times since 2006 for speaking truth to the power hungry over there.


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