Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Obama Promises to Help House Democrats. Will He Campaign for Republicans?

Obama looks more like Jimmy Carter every day.

House Democrats are angry because WH spokesman Robert Gibbs admitted what they have been trying to keep out of the news for months. Democrats may lose control of the House after the November 2, 2010 election. Gibbs has been walking the comment back, but Nancy Pelosi still has her panties in a wad. A WH memo reveals President Obama is promising a full-court-press to help House democrats. Based on the results of recent elections, President Obama should endorse House Republicans if he really wants to help Democrats.

AP reported:
"The president, vice president, first lady, Cabinet officers and senior staff have participated in 187 political events in the last 18 months, all with the intention of directly supporting candidates on the ballot in 2010 or building up the infrastructure of party committees," according to the memo provided by a Democratic official. "(Forty) more events are currently or tentatively scheduled and dozens more will be organized in the next few months."

Congressional Democrats have pushed Obama's circle to do more. Many fret that the White House is ineffective in using the heft of the presidency to help elect Democrats to statehouses, the House and Senate. In private, several Democrats said they worry Obama's team is more focused on its own 2012 re-election bid than the midterm elections that would shape the final two years of the president's first term.

Confidence in the White House political operation was shaken after Democrats lost the Massachusetts Senate seat...

Hoping to stem losses, Obama's inner circle reviewed their schedules and have escalated their political travel. ...

1 comment:

  1. Obama should see Jimmy Carter in the mirror.


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