Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Peer-Reviewed Publication: Global Warming Has Ended

The study (pdf), authored by Qing-Bin Lu, has been published in the peer-reviewed publication Journal of Cosmology, produced at Harvard-Smithsonian’s Center for Astrophysics. Dr. Lu argues man-made global warming was real, but caused by CFC's; not CO2. According to Dr. Lu, the phase-out of CFC's ended global warming in 2002 and planet Earth is now headed into a period of 50 to 70 years of global cooling. This study is more evidence the science of global warming is not settled.

From the Financial Post:
Long-term global cooling began in 2002...

The study, authored by Qing-Bin Lu, a rising star at the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Waterloo in Canada, explains why climate models have been so spectacularly wrong in trying to tie the global warming of the last half of the 20th century to CO2 ...

According to Dr. Lu, the phase-out of CFCs will be reversing the global warming effect by ushering in a 50 to 70-year period of global cooling.


  1. Here's hoping for a white Christmas for my grandkids...

  2. What a bunch of BS. CFC is heavier than air. When elephants fly you can expect freon to rise up in the air too. CFC ban was a scam to raise prices and tax a cheap product out of existence. One lie perpetuating more lies, and now more lies. Where do all these people learn at? The Liars Club of the World?


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