Thursday, July 8, 2010

Rasmussen: Rubio and Crist Neck-and-Neck

Marco Rubio holds a slim 2 point lead over former RINO turned Independent Charlie Crist for Florida's open Senate seat. The is within the +/- 4.5 margin of error for this survey.

Rasmussen reported:
Florida’s Senate race remains all about Republican-turned-independent Charlie Crist and likely GOP nominee Marco Rubio.

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in Florida finds the two candidates neck-and-neck again this month, with Rubio earning 36% support and Crist, the state’s current Republican governor, capturing 34% of the vote. Prospective Democratic candidate Kendrick Meek remains a distant third, picking up 15%. Fourteen percent (14%) of the state’s voters remain undecided.

A month ago, Rubio, former speaker of the Florida House, and Crist were tied at 37% apiece. Meek, an African-American congressman from the North Miami area, again was at 15%.

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