Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Rasmussen Survey: Harry Reid Trailing Sharron Angle by Only Three Points

Have Nevada voters gone insane? The latest Rasmussen survey of likely voters has found Sharron Angle only three points ahead of Harry Reid. This is within the margin of sampling error of +/- 4%. The bright spot in the poll for Republicans is Democrat Harry Reid is viewed very unfavorably by 48% of likely voters. Republican Sharron Angle is viewed very unfavorably by 39%.

Rasmussen reported:

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in Nevada finds Angle with 46% support, while Reid earns 43% of the vote. Six percent (6%) like some other candidate in the race, and five percent (5%) remain undecided.

This is Reid’s best showing all year...

Reid has also been trying to raise doubts about Angle and a solid plurality of voters now have negative perceptions of both candidates. Reid is viewed Very Favorably by just 26% of Nevada voters and Very Unfavorably by 48%. For Angle, Very Favorables are 18% and Very Unfavorables are 39%...

1 comment:

  1. What is really fascinating about this race is Harry Reid's numbers. Poll after poll, Reid has held steady at 42-43%. Nevadans know Reid, he's not budging from there.

    Reid's strategy has been to use his massive warchest to drive down Angle's numbers. She began at 52% and has seen a steady drop since the primary, which is the same time that Reid's attack machine was unleashed on Angle.

    What Angle needs to do is to tell the truth louder than Harry Reid tells his lies, but that takes money. If you believe in the values and policies of the Tea Party, then do what you can to support Sharron Angle.


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