Monday, July 26, 2010

Shirley Sherrod’s Husband: “We Must Stop the White Man and Uncle Toms From Stealing Our Elections”

Shirley Sherrod has been portrayed as a martyr after being accused of racism and forced to resign after an edited videotape of her March NAACP speech was released. The video is damning, but at the end she does speak of her redemption. Many people have been critical of the video and claimed her comments were not in context. It is going to be difficult to do the same for this January video of her husband, Charles Sherrod. How do you put the sentence, “We Must Stop the White Man and Uncle Toms From Stealing Our Elections,” in any context that doesn't seem steeped with racism?

Via Dan Riehl:

Shirley Sherrod is married to Charles. Apparently, she is able to tolerate his opinions...


  1. Convince ME that the conservatives are NOT racist. I was raised in a conservative household. Racism is at the HEARTR of conservatism. Read the story of Noah and Ham.

  2. Convince ME that the conservatives are NOT racist. I was raised in a conservative household. Racism is at the HEARTR of conservatism. Read the story of Noah and Ham.


Please don't use offense or vulgar language.