Thursday, August 26, 2010

Democrats Running From Toxic Obama and Democratic Party (video)

Here are some amusing videos of Democrats trying to see how far they can distance themselves from President Obama, Harry Reid , Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic Party.

Representative Jason Altmire (D-Pennsylvania, 4th)claims he isn't afraid to stand up to the President and voted against the health care bill.

Rep. Bobby Bright, Alabama (D) touts his votes against the Bailouts, Stimulus spending, massive government health care and President Obama's trillion dollar federal budget.

Rep. Glenn Nye, Virginia (D) voted against the health care bill because it cost too much and going against his own party voted against the Wall St. bailout.

Mike McIntyre, D-NC doesn't work for Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid and voted against Wall St bailout, auto bailout and energy tax.

1 comment:

  1. Democrats can run. but they can't hide form voters in November.


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