Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Nancy Pelosi Calls for Ground Zero Mosque Investigation. Oh, She Wants to Investigate the Opposition.

The Ground Zero Mosque is being built on a $4.8 million property bought by a man who was a waiter a 2002. He paid cash. Many have wondered where the funding for this sacrilege is coming from. Nancy Pelosi isn't one of these people. She told San Francisco's KCBS radio these should be an investigation into where the to opposition to the Mosque is getting their money. The audio is here.

Via The Washington Times:
“There is no question there is a concerted effort to make this a political issue by some. And I join those who have called for looking into how is this opposition to the mosque being funded,” she said.


  1. The Victory Mosque is just the visible tip of a very large iceberg. Beneath the surface of Western societies, Muslims are waging a campaign of infiltration, subversion, sedition and social sabotage, with the objective of destroying our countries and way of life from within.

  2. Hey, gawrsh goofy, you really think they hate us? I mean I saw thousands of arabs cheering on September 11, 2001 as the towers fell and now they want to build their mosque. Yeah, on the ashes of those they burned up.

    Pelosi will join, yes join jane fonda as well as tokyo rose. Traitors remembered for ever - for what they are.


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