Friday, September 3, 2010

Former Car Czar Rattner Has Written a Kiss-and-Tell Book

This could be interesting. The Huntington Post has seen a copy of former car czar Steve Rattner's new book and there could be some discomfort at the White House over it's contents. Reportedly, the Obama administration was out to get the car companies and playing politics.

FOX News reported:
Former Obama administration car czar Steven Rattner is coming out with a new book that depicts him swashbuckling through the financial crisis and also shows Obama as “out to get” the car companies and the administration making political decisions about how to deal with bankrupt automakers GM and Chrysler.

The Huffington Post got a leaked copy and there is plenty there that will play into this years’ elections – especially since this is the first kiss-and-tell book from the Obama team.

Here is a tidbit to hold you until the book is released.
-Rattner describes presidential political adviser David Axelrod coming to car meetings armed with poll data to support the takeover and Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel identify Congressmen in whose districts large Chrysler facilities were located.

1 comment:

  1. The auto,UAW, bailout was blatantly political. Rattner is just revealing the obvious.


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