Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Harry Reid Avoids 100 Yard Walk to Green Energy Summit by Taking Fleet of SUVs

The hypocrisy of Harry Reid and other left-wing environmentalists is astounding. Reportedly, Reid saved a brutal 100 yard walk.

Det News reported:
Clean, Green Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid rolled up to the Clean Energy Summit in Las Vegas, Nevada last week. . . in a fleet of giant SUVs.

The Heartland Institute reports that while the Senate Majority Hypocrite “and other high-profile environmental activists blasted carbon-based fuels at the Reid-sponsored summit, Reid and other bigwigs were caught on film driving to and from the summit in several SUVs.”

Back in 2007, Reid lectured Detroit for lack of fuel efficient cars.
“Perhaps if they had joined us instead of fighting us these last 20 years, they might not be in the financial mess they’re in today,” Reid said, implying that Detroit’s woes are due to a lack of fuel efficient cars. “But now is their chance to do the right thing — both for their bottom line and for the American people."

You would think Senator Reid would be riding in a Prius.


  1. Should anyone be suprized at this? He is just like Gore. Do as I say, not as I do. The liberal progressives will take care of us and take good care of themselves.
    Vote em all out in 2010

  2. Well I'm not surprised at this..BTW I’m no fan of Harry Reid...


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