Sunday, September 5, 2010

Lindsey Graham Censured for Being a RINO

A South Carolina GOP group has formally censured GOP U.S Senator for disrespecting his constituents.
The party’s executive committee took the action Thursday, joining a handful of other county parties, including Greenville’s GOP.

Committee member Pete Seaha, who also is the Aiken County Tea Party chairman, wrote the resolution and introduced it at the meeting. The resolution states in part that Graham won’t be invited to any party meetings or events.

“I don’t believe the senator is sticking to conservative Republican principles,” said Seaha. “In my mind, the senator has disrespected his constituents. He has said publicly on a talk show that he didn’t care what they thought.

Last month Graham called the Tea Party a fringe movement.
“The tea party will die out… Republicans will move away from the fringe.


  1. About damn time someone slapped that rino.....

  2. If Graham was anymore of a RINO, he would have a huge horn growing where his nose is.


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