Thursday, November 18, 2010

Allen West Interview Oustside His First Congressional Black Caucus Meeting (video)

A rising star for the GOP...


  1. I have high hopes for this man. He has the character and experience to back up what he says. He is what America should be.

  2. The congressional black caucus is a racist group. I am disappointed to see that Allen West has joined them. I cannot understand why they are allowed to exist in congress.Would a white caucus be accepted in Congress???

  3. As always, Representative West has "hit the nail on the head". He wants what will truly bring pride and success to all the American people, Black, White, Brown, etc. He is wise and can bring a great diminision to the CBC as he will to Congress. I am proud to have had the opportunity to work for his campaign and, more, to have the privilege to vote for him.


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