Sunday, November 14, 2010

Video: TSA Screener Accosts 3 Year Old Child at Security Checkpoint

This is horrible. When it comes to this, the terrorists have won. They haven't won because they defeated us. They have won because our leaders are too spineless to use common sense and profile terrorists. Instead, we randomly select little girls and grannies for extra screening. Did they really think this three year old girl was a tiny terrorist?


  1. How would YOU suggest profiling terrorists? Full background checks for every man, woman and child that gets on a plane? Think realistically. It seems that would destroy our freedoms even moreso.

  2. Considering most terrorists are some form of middle eastern descent, or are from the middle east. It's pretty easy to profile them. Then again if they wanted to do it the common-sense way they'd be following ELAL's method.


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